HCA 13/71 f.491v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.491v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


in or words to that effect whereupon the Company seeing both the
mates soe averse and backward to worke in toward shoare were very
much discouraged and the seamen stood still and asked the Master what they should
doe and the master answered and sayd goe aske the mates (meaning the sayd
Gosling and Manndry) for I know not what to doe, I am over powered by [XXX GUTTER]
or words to that effect and thereupon some of the Company went up into
the mayne topp to discover whether the other shipps whose Company they had
did follow them, or make towards seawards, and told the sayd damerell the
other shipps were workeing out of the Ice to seawards whereupon the sayd damerell
went up himselfe into the maine topp and when he came downe sayd, I [see they GUTTER]
are workeing out, therefore turne the shipps and work out alsoe or
words to that effect, And saith that the sayd shipps by reason of the sayd
Gosling and Maundries their unwillingnesse (both at the tymes before [XXXX GUTTER]
and after during the whole voyage) to worke into the Ice towards the shoare, and
their discouraging of the Company with their speeches, did not gett into
harbour that voyage by which meanes the sayd shipps Owners Adventure
and Greyhound returned home with only a smale quantitie of bloober
oyle, and ffinne and the voyage was thereby exceedingly preiudiced
And further to these articles hee cannot depose.

To the 6th he saith that after the sayd two shipps Owners Adventure
and Greyhound had wrought themselves out to sea againe their Company
espied a whale (being as hee beleeveth the whale in this article mentioned
and the sayd Gosling humfreys Manndry and Parker and other harponeeres
and every of their boates crues (which are five a peece beside the harponeere) did
chase the sayd Whale, and the Owners Adventure and Greyhound sayled up and downe after
the boates as in such cases is accustomed, and saith the sayd Parker did fasten
to the whale, and soe alsoe did the sayd humphreys, and the rest of the
harponeeres not having oportunitie to fasten to her by reason of her swifte
motion, did fasten their boates to the boate of the sayd humfreys to [hinder GUTTER]
motion and tyre her with towing them and saith that they continued the
chase of the sayd whale eight or tenn howres and more, but saith that in [this GUTTER]
tyme the said Maundrie did cast off or lett loose, three of the boates
that were in chase and not fast to the whale twice or [thrice GUTTER]
by which meanes he did very much hinder them in the tyreing out
the whale with their weight, they being faine to rowe up and downe two or
three leagues before they could come neare to fasten their boates on to
other as they were before, and saith that the sayd Maundrie and Gosling
(after they had chased the sayd whale about [XX GUTTER]
howers came aboard the Owners Adventure with their boates, and sayd
that the whale was not to be killed her motion was soe swift and the
winde then blowing fresh, which notwithstanding the master commanded
there in regards humfreys and Parker continued still fast to goe off in
their boates againe and helpe them to kill the whale, and sayd the sayd Gosling
and Maundrie answered and sayd shee was a divell and noe whale, and
they could not kill her, and that they would goe off noe more or words to that
effect: whereupon the sayd humfrey without any order from the Master
cut loose from the whale and came aboard the Owners Adventure hee and his
boats Crue, and the said Master seeing that all but the sayd Parker and
his Crue had given over the chase of the sayd whale caused the shipp to
bee steered towards the whale, and the whale comming neere the shipp and
the sayd Parker still being fast to her hee the sayd Parker asked the Master what