HCA 13/71 f.491r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.491r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


call from on board the sayd Gouldings shipp and commanded the boatswaine
to call up the Companye of the Owners Adventure
sayd shipp and to mann their boates and make ready to worke further in toward
shoare in order to gett to shoare or harbour (which of this deponents knowledge
having made severall voyages to Greeneland are the likely places to take
whales in) and the Boatswaine accordingly called up the Company and they
divers of them did make ready their boates to worke the sayd shipps Owners
Adventure and Greyhound further in, And the sayd damerell comming from on
board the sayd Goldings shipp on board the Owners Adventure, still continued
his former Command, and the same was well heard and understood by the arlate
Gosling Maundrie humfreys and the rest of the sayd shipps Companyes, and
the sayd Gosling did thereupon speake to the sayd damerell and sayd thus
or the like in effect, wee will goe noe further, and the sayd Damerell
replying to the sayd Gosling and saying I Command you to worke in further (or to that effect) the sayd
Gosling answered and sayd the sayd damerell was noe Commander of his,
and that hee would not bee commanded by him, and that hee was a better
man than hee or words to that effect, and the sayd damerell thereupon sayd the sayd
Gosling should knowe hee was his Commander, and that Mr Batson had
in writing given him authority to have the Comand of both the shipps and their
Companyes, (meaning the Owners Adventure and Greyhound) and that hee hoped
that if hee the sayd Goséing were this crosse (and hindered the voyage by his crossnesse
the sayd Mr Batson would pay him noe wages, whereto the sayd
Gosling replyed a fart for wages, and the voyage alsoe and that hee would see that man that dared lay hands of a roape to worke in or words to that
effect, and the master being offended and provoked
by the sayd Goslings refractorie and disobedient speeches, did tell the sayd
Gosling that hee was a Jacanapes and a sawry boye and a pimpeing roague and other the like speeches
and the sayd Gosling told the sayd damerell that hee was a roague, and
a pimpeing rogue, and might goe a pimpeing when hee came home if
hee did not make a voyage, and other the like approbious words all which
were spoken openly upon the deck of the Owners Adventure in the presence
and hearing of this deponent and all or most of the Companye of the Owners
Adventure, and alsoe in presense (and hearing as hee beleeveth) of the Companyes
of the sayd Welches shipp and Goldings shipp and the Greyhound who then laye all
board and board one of an other, and therefore could not choose but heare the same
but the master still continueing his Command to worke the sayd shipps
Owners Adventure and Greyhound further in, the Companyes of them though
they were very much discouraged by the sayd Goslings speeches, did worke the
sayd shipp about a league further in towards shoare and there by the sayd damerells order made her
fast againe And the sayd damerell after they had rested there a while did
againe Command the sayd shipps Owners Adventure and Greyhound to bee wrought
still further in towards shoare, whereupon the sayd Maundrey then openly
upon the deck of the Owners Adventure in presense and hearing of this deponent
and divers others of the sayd shipps Company sayd by God
wee will worke noe further in, and I dare venture my life to a farthing
or my neck to a penny, that noe shipps will gett into harbour in Greeneland
this yeare, and if
the shipps were within a league or two of Bell Point as they are at least fower
or five leagues off, yet the Ice is soe thick toward shoare that wee cannot gett in