HCA 13/71 f.487r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 487 |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 21/10/2012 | |
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IMAGE: P1140141.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2012/10/21 | |
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Edited on 29/08/2013 by Colin Greenstreet |
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sayd water receaved, and sent his the sayd damerells Carpenter and Carpenters
mate aboard her to helpe to stopp her leake, and continued in their Company
till hee was parted from them as aforesayd by foggie and stormie weather
after which having lost their company hee saith the sayd damerell did stand
off at Sea and some tymes stands in againe towards the Ice
with intent as hee beleeveth to find an oportunitie to gett into harbour, and
in such his passage to and fro did meete with some dutch shipps and some of the Owners Adventures company did after some
questions of them whether they sawe any of the
English ffleete or not, and what store of ffish they sawe upon the Coast, and
what store of Ice there was to the Eastwards, and whether there were any hopes
to gett into harbour at ducks Cove and the like questions, whereto they answered
in broken English, and sayd they sawe none of the English ffleete, and that
the Coast was full of Ice toward ducke Cove and noe hope of getting in there or
to that effect, and saith that the sayd damerell being by the
Master of one of the dutch vessells envited to come on board him, the sayd
damerell did (in his owne shallopp) goe on board the dutch vessell, and staye
there some few howers, and then came aboard his owne shipp againe, and saith
hee knoweth not of any oportunitie which was offered to gett into harbour
after the Owners Adventure came out of the Ice to Sea as aforesayd, and
saith what hardship and extremity the company of the Owners Adventure suffered, was
by reason they could not gett to harbour, and for want of
fresh victualls and other refreshments which they might have had on shoare if
they could have gotten to a harbour, and not by the sayd damerells goeing
on board the sayd dutch shipp or by any default of the sayd
damerell as hee beleeveth, And further saving his foregoeing deposition
he cannot answere, saving hee saith hee knoweth of noe difference
that after the sayd shipp Owners Adventure came out of the Ice to
Sea and had left the Company of the other fower English shipps they mett with
a ffleming who laye at Anchor neere hope Island, which ffleming gave
the sayd damerell leave to take the blubber of some sea horses which the
ffleming had killed and taken the teeth of, and the sayd damerell being
desyrous as much as might bee to advance the benefit voyage to the
benefitt of the Imployers, in regards hee could not gaine a harbour, did
accept of the sayd fflemings offer, and
went him selfe on shoare with the most of his Company both
land and sea men and sett the land men to worke to cut the blubber and the
seamen to bring it aboard, and having stayed some tyme with them, came
againe aboard his owne shipp Owners Adventure and left the Company at
worke, and saith that that some few dayes after the Company had
belonging to the sayd shipp had some difference betweene decks about
two teeth of a sea horse which they had found upon the shoare
sayd Island, and the master hearing them, called them up
to him, and told them that hee heard they had gott some teeth a shoare, and
required them to deliver them to him, and take them they must not thinke to carry
any more teeth home with them than they had in their heades, and bid them fetch the
tooth to him, whereupon one of them (whose name was Rice) went and fetched one
tooth to him and gave it to the Master, and the Master demanding of the other man (whose name was
Nash) where the other tooth was, the sayd Nash sayd hee had it not, and the master being
importunate to know what was become of it, the sayd Nash told him that hee ought