HCA 13/71 f.486v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.486v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


place where whales resorte in the fore part of the yeare and there her company haveing strucke
some whales but lost them by their running under the Ice they being forced
in such case to cut their warpes to preserve their shallopps and men from being
towed under the Ice and drowned and splitt, did come from thence and [arrive GUTTER]
and gett upon the Coast of Greeneland aboat the beginning of June, and [were GUTTER]
then in this deponents Judgment about fower or five leagues off
Bell Point, but which way the harbour then bore hee remembreth not, and
saith the sayd damerell did there goe on board the shipp [of GUTTER]
Mr Pybus but how long hee stayed there hee remembreth not but saith the sayd Pybus
his shipp and the Owners Adventure and Greyhound and the foresayd Welches Golding and Childs shipps sett
sayle thence, and afterwards put into the Ice togeather, and farther saving his
foregoeing deposition hee cannot answere saving hee saith hee knoweth not
what the reason was which the sayd damerell did not attempt to goe into
harbour when hee was soe neere Bell Point./

To the 4th hee cannot answere not knowung nor having heard of any
such order or direction as is Interrogate./

To the 5th 6th 7th and 8th hee saith the sayd damerell after hee came from on board the sayd Pybus
his shipp did keepe company with the foresayd fower London shipps untill such tyme
as they all wrought into the Ice togeather in manner predeposed, which was in the moneth
of June last, but upon what day hee remembreth not for that hee kept noe Journal
of the dayes, and having wrought in divers myles in the space of tenn or twelve
howers the Owners Adventure Greyhound and Goldings and Welches shipps made
fast togeather in manner predeposed, and lay soe about sixteene howers
in which tyme the sayd damerell went on board the sayd Gouldings [?shipp GUTTER]
but what discourse the sayd damerell Goulding and Welch had hee knoweth not
but saith after hee had bin on board with them some tyme hee the sayd damerell
whilst hee was on board the sayd Goldings shipp did call out to his Company
of the Owners Adventure and bidd them wake loose theri shipp, and prepare to worke her further in to shoare, and
then came on board the Owners Adventure and Commanded her Company to make
ready their shallopps and to worke her further in towards harbour or to that effect
and thereupon the sayd Gosling and Maundry spake the words predeposed or or
other words to that effect, yet did afterwards both of them helpe to worke in fower or five
myles further towards shoare, and then the sayd damerell still
continueing his Command to worke further in, the sayd Maundrie thereupon spake
the other words predeposed, whereat the Company were soe discouraged that they
endeavoured to worke noe further in, but soone after turned her about and
wrought her out to sea againe, And further saving his foregoeing deposition
hee cannot depose saving hee saith that the other fower shipps predeposed of did
begin to worke out to Sea before the Owners Adventure began to worke to sea
and did all fower of them worke out to sea, and were all in Company of the Owners
Adventure at Sea afterwards, till such tyme as by foggie and stormie weather they lost
her company./

To the 9th Interrogatorie hee saith hee knoweth the arlate Pybus Welch Child
and Golding and hath knowne them goe Masters of shipps for severall fishing voyages
to Greeneland and beleeveth them to bee able and experienced sea men and well
versed in the Greeneland ffishing And further to this Interrogatorie hee
cannot answere./

To the 10th hee saith the sayd damerell of his this deponents knowledge did not
by his workeing soe farr into the Ice as hee did, loose the Company of the foresayd
fower London shipps, for that hee knoweth hee was in Company with them after hee
gott out to Sea againe, and the sayd Pybus his shipp having receaved hurt in
her bowe by Ice, and proveing thereby very leakie in soe much that she was in [?very GUTTER]
great danger of sinkeing (and (as her company sayd) had taken nyne foote water in
hold, the sayd damerell with his Companye of the Owners Adventure
did assiste the other three London shipps in cleering the sayd Pybus his shipp of the