HCA 13/71 f.474r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.474r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


company were thus acteing the sayd Gosling and the master continued
at difference each with other, the sayd Gosling declaring that hee was
unwilling to leave the Company of the other shipps, for that as hee
beleeved it would prove a very inconvenient thing soe to doe whereupon
very evill language on both sides did and for not other cause, very evill
and reproachfull language was given each to other by the sayd
damerell and Gosling upon the open deck of the Owners Adventure,
in presence and hearing of this deponent and divers others of the Owners
Adventures Company, and alsoe in the presence and hearing of the sayd
Golding and Welches Companyes who lyeing board and board stood still
and heard and sawe all the passages thereof, which words were thus,
the sayd damerell called the sayd Gosling roague and knave
and sayd hee looked upon him but as one of his Cabbin boyes,
And the sayd Gosling called the sayd damerell Knave and
Rogue and other the like opprobrious wordes, in soe much that this
deponent well knoweth not which of the gave the worst or
uncivillest language one to another: not withstanding which wordes
which soe passed betweene them hee saith the sayd Gosling did
presently after yeild obedience to the sayd damerells Command
and did helpe to worke the sayd shipp in with as much fervencie
as any other of the sayd shipps Company and the sayd shippes Company did faithfully performe
their duty therein afterwards and wrought thereabout for the space of sixteene
howers videlicet from that tyme on the seaventeenth of June last when they
left the company of the other fower shipps untill the 18th of the same
and in that tyme wrought her about fower myles from the other
shipps further into the Ice, where hee the say shee was by Command
of the sayd damerell made fast to the Ice, And the sayd Gosling after
the speaking of the words predeposed of never gainesayd the sayd Master
in any of his Commands or acted anything in preiudice of the sayd
voyage, the premisses hee deposeth being an eye and eare wittnes of
them, And hee further saith the sayd shipp Owners Adventure being soe
made fast after shee left the company of the other shipps the sayd
damerell was in suspense with him selfe what hee should doe whether hee should worke in further or not and
thereupon voluntarily sayd that if the other fower shipps (whose company
hee had left) wrought in after him, hee would worke in further, for
hee was now soe farr ahead of them, and that if they wrought out
to sea hee would doe soe alsoe, and bidd some of his Company
goe up into the shroudes to discover which way the heads of the sayd shipps
stood and whether they followed him or not, and some of them goeing
up and having taken a view telling him that their heads were to sea
ward and that they did not followe him, hee the sayd damerell
to assertaine him selfe of the truth thereof went up him selfe into
the shrowdes and haveing taken a view sayd I thinke they doe
worke out to sea, therefore cast our shipps about (meaning the Owners
Adventure and Greyhound) and worke out to sea, which the Company did