HCA 13/71 f.473v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.473v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


day June last on which day the sayd damerell went on board the
sayd Goldings shipp (on board which the sayd Welch ˹then˺ alsoe was) but
what discourse there passed betwixt the sayd damerell Welch and Golding hee
knoweth not, saving hee saith that after the sayd damerell had bin some
tyme on board the sayd Goldings shipp hee standing on board the sayd
Goldings shipp called to his Company of the Owners Adventure (the sayd
shipps lyeing close board and board one of another) and in a braveding
manner holding ˹setting˺ his armes on his sides, commanded them to lett loose
the sayd shipp Owners Adventure and to worke her further in toward shoare, and
thereupon the arlate Master Golding (leaning over the Quarter of his own
shipp) called to Richard Maundry then aboard the Owners Adventure
and sayd thus, or the like in effect, dick, I thinke your Master (meaning the
sayd damerell) is madd, for hee hath bin at us (meaning himselfe and
the sayd Master Welch) to worke further into the Ice toward shoare, and wee
seeing our selves to the Northward of our harbour thinke it impossible
to gett in, the Ice being soe thick and wee soe farr northerly, that and are
therefore mynded to worke out to sea againe ˹or wordes to that effect˺ which not withstanding
the sayd damerell still continueing his resolution to worke further in
still called from on board the sayd Goldings shipp and commanded the
Company of the Owners Adventure to loose their shipp and endeavour
to worke her in further, whereupon the sayd Gosling coming up upon
the deck of the Owners Adventure spake to the sayd damerell (still
on board the sayd Goldings shipp) and sayd thus or the like in effect
whether would you goe now, and the sayd damerell (from a board Goldings
shipp) replyed and sayd thus or to what is that to you, and the sayd Gosling
replyeing it was ˹as much˺ to him as to the sayd damerell, the sayd damerell
replyed and sayd I looke Jackanapes I looke not upon you as one to
bee made acquainted, whereto the sayd Gosling replyed to this effect
I was told by the Merchandes when I was hyred that you (meaning the
sayd damerell) were to doe nothing of any consequence touching
the voyage but with the advice of your mates and the rest of the
harponeeres therefore consider what you doe, for there are as able
men in the other shipps (meaning the sayd fower shipps in
Company) and ˹that˺ would doe as much for advance of their voyage
if as you if they sawe cause to worke further in, and if wee worke
further and leave their Company and come to any Misfortune
wee may repent it too late ˹or wordes to that effect˺ at which wordes the sayd damerell being
displeased came from on board the sayd Goldings and shipp and
came aboard the Owners Adventure, and after such his Coming
aboard continued his Comand to her Company to loose the shipp
and worke her further in, whereupon divers of the Company did presently GUTTER
goe upon the Ice to launch their shallopps to towe her further in and
the arlate Maundrie and others of the Company (whereof this deponent was
one) did helpe to loosen the sayd shipp and put her in a readinesse to
worke further in, And that in the meane tyme while the rest of the