HCA 13/71 f.442v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 442 |
Side | Verso |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 23/10/2012 | |
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IMAGE: P1140052.JPG | |
First transcriber | |
Jill Wilcox | |
First transcribed | |
2012/10/23 | |
Editorial history | |
Edited on 31/05/2013 by Jill Wilcox and on 30/05/2014 by Colin Greenstreet |
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there safely arrived therewith saith that soone after her
arrival there the sayd Turley receaved a mischanse by falling
downe at a scuttle of the vessell, by meanes of which fall the
sayd Turley was disabled from any wayes looking after the mannage
ment and disposall of the sayd outward Cargo, two of his ribbs (as
a Chirurgion on shoare to whome this deponent helped to carry
the sayd Turley for Cure) did affirme being broken and saith the sayd Turley
by such his hurt was disabled from looking after his busines by
the space of eight or nyne dayes at least during all which tyme
the sayd Cutberd did attend on shoare the sale and dispersall of the
sayd outward ladeing and did assiste the sayd Turley in the sale of
the rest after the sayd Turleys recovery as alsoe in the buyeing of
her homewards ladeing And further to these articles saving
his foregoeing deposition hee cannot depose/
To the 8th article he saith that the arlate Cutberd did
lye a shoare six or seaven weekes at Bergen about sale of the
outward and buying of the homewards Cargo, wherein the sayd
Turley after hee was recovered of his hurt did soe farr as his
smalle experince would enable him assiste And saith that during
the sayd tyme the sayd Cutberd of this deponenth knowledge did
pay half a doller a weeke for a shopp on shoare to sell goods in and
was at other charges for his victualls and other expensse in driveing
of bargaines about selling and buying the sayd outwards and
homewards Cargoes the premisses hee deposeth upon the grounds of knowledge as aforesayd And further to this article hee cannot depose/
To the 9th hee saith that hee well knoweth that Tenn pounds sterling is
a common price allowed to a Master of a vessell of the like burthen
as the Recovery for performance only of his duty and place of a Master for
a voyage from London to Bergen and back to London, and hee this deponent
useing the trade for Norway hath severall tymes knowne the like
allowance made to Masters of shipps of the like burthen with the Recovery
only for dischargeing their duty of Masters/
To the 10th hee saith that for the reasons of knowledge before declared
hee alsoe knoweth that the Recovery having receaved her homeward
Cargo at bergen did saith the first oportuniy of winde and weather
sett sayle from the thence and safely arrive therewith at London where the
same was safely discharged out of the sayd shipp by the sayd Cutberd
and Company and delievered to the sayd Parr[?o]tt and Turley, hee this deponent
helping to deliver the same and well knowing that the sayd Cutberd
through the whole voyage did performe his duty of Master with care
and diligence And further to this article he cannot depose
To the last hee saith hee goeing Masters Mate as aforesayd knoweth that the
Recovery carried to Bergen seaven hundred weight of Tobaccoe the [?customes GUTTER]
whereof at Bergen is three [?stivers] a pound which is about 3 d 3/4 English money
all which as also stockins and after goods the custome whereof amounted to a con=
siderable value the sayd Cutberd did by his care and industrie conveying
and causing them into bee conveyed ashoare without knowledge of the Officers of the
Custome house save unto the sayd Parr[?o]tt and Turley this hee the better knoweth
helping to conveigh the sayd tobaccoe and other goods on shoare And further cannot depose
Repeated before Doctor Godolphin/
John [?Scriver] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]