HCA 13/71 f.442r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.442r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


of trade of that Countrey haveing never bin there before as hee hath
heard the sayd Turley confesse And saith that hee this deponent
was present in Company of the sayd Turley and Parrat after the
returne of the sayd vessell to London with her sayd homeward Cargoe and
heard the sayd Turley and Parratt discourse togeather touching what the
sayd Cutberd was to have for his paines in assisting the sayd Turley
in selling off the outward cargoe aforesayd and buying and
providing the homeward Cargoe aforesayd and the sayd Turley
telling the sayd Parr[?o]tt that the sayd Cutbord did informe him that
hee the sayd Parratt had promised to allowe him twelve pense in the
pound for such his assistanse of the sayd Turley the sayd
Parr[?o]tt thereto answered that hee did not promise him the sayd
Cutberd twelve pense in the pound, but sayes that hee did promise
him the sayd Cutberd to give him satisfaction for what
assistance hee should give the sayd Turley about the selling the
sayd outward Cargoe and buying the sayd homeward[?s] Cargoe, or
they the sayd Turley and Parratt spake words to the like effect in
presense of this deponent And this deponent very well knoweth the
sayd Cutberd did assiste the sayd Turley in the sale of the outward
and buying of the homeward[?s] Cargo aforesayd and laye on shoare
to watch the same and to sell and buy it about sixe or seaven weekes
And further to these articles hee cannot depose not being at the
agreement made belwixt the sayd Cutberd Parratt and Turley touching
the sayd Cutberds assistence to be given as aforesayd/

To the 4th and 5th hee saith the sayd Cutberd hired this deponent and severall
other Mariners to goe the voyage in question and did fitt and furnish
the shipp before her outwards voyage with roapes victualls and other
nesessaries which shee wanted to prepare her for performance of
the same, all which hee did (as he verily beleeveth) by the order and
at the charge of the sayd Parr[?o]tt and Turley who did in this deponents
presense approve of the bills which the sayd Cutberd delivered to them
touching the doeing of the same And further to these articles hee cannot depose
saving hee saith the sayd Cutberd in soe doeing for the attendance
of him selfe and his servant who hee alsoe employed thereabouts did and
doth in this deponents Judgement and estimate well deserve fifteene shillings
a weeke and soe much and more hee hath knowne allowed to Masters of
vessells of like burthen with the Recovery for takeing like care of provideing
them with necessaries,/

To the 6th and 7th articles hee saith that hee goeing Masters Mate of the
Recovery the voyage in question thereby knoweth that the sayd vessell having
receaved for her outward Cargo such goods as the sayd Parr[?o]tt and
Turley laded aboard her the sayd Cutberd together with the sayd Turley
sett sayle with her for Bergen with the first oportunity of winde and weather and