HCA 13/71 f.424r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.424r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


stayed twenty and odd days or thereabouts in delivery of his outward
Cargo brought to Oratava and in expectation of receiveing wines and other
goods from the sayd don Christophero de Alvaratho de Brachamonte
to relade his shipp for London the sayd don Christophero told the sayd
Wessells that there were neither wines nor other goods upon the island
of Teneriff to relade the sayd shipp Sea ffortune nor any to bee expected
untill the next vintage and therefore although the sayd Wessells
Charterparty did oblige him to stay forty days for his reladeing if
neede required yet the saysd don Christopher did discharge and
dispatch the sayd Wessells and command him to depart for that
hee the sayd don christopher well knew there were noe effects in the
sayd Islands for ladeing the sayd shipp and sayd that hee the sayd
don Christopher hoped and beleeved that by his suddayne dispatch
of the sayd shipp there would bee an abatement in the freight of
her shee not staying her complement of dayes whereto shee was
obliged by charterparty This hee deposeth of his owne certayne sight
and knowledge being present when the sayd don Christopher soe discharged
the sayd Wesells and spake the words predeposed or others to the like
effect and saith hee verily beleveeth that what the sayd don Christopher
told the sayd Wessells as touching his not reladeing of him was
truth, for that hee knoweth that at the same tyme a dutch shipp of
about one hundred tonnes which came alsoe to the sayd don Christopher
and expected to be reladen by him was for want of effects to
performe the same discharged alsoe without ladeing as the sayd Wessells
shipp was which dutch shipp this deponent hath heard and beleeveeth
was also imployed upon Accompt of the sayd Antonio ffernandez and
company and bound for the same port of London And alsoe for that hee
knoweth that divers other English shipps videlicet Captaine Chalkes shipp
Captaine Sidracksons shipp Captaine [?thodsternes] shipp Captaine
Thomas Gayers shipp, and this deponents shipp called the Guift of
God returned thense from the sayd Island of Teneriff the tyme aforesayd
some of them but halfe laden and the most of then altogeather empty of
ladeing which was occasioned meerely through the want of effects
in the sayd Island to relade them with And alsoe for that one don
Baltazar de Bergara Uncle to the sayd don Christopher and Principall
to him and the sayd ffernandez did in the presence of this deponent and
don Benita da Vima revile and scold and rayle against the sayd ffernandez
for sending the sayd shipp Sea ffortune to the Canaries upon as (as
hee sayd) it appeared to him the sayd don Baltazar by letters from sayd ffernandez that