HCA 13/71 f.423v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.423v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


into the yarde by the sayde Christmas his labourer and that the sayd
Christmas nor any by him imployed had any Iron worke which was
weighed delivered to them out of the sayd shipp that day untill after
the unevennesse of the sayde scales was discovered./

To the 9th hee cannot answere knowing nothing thereof./

To the 10th hee saith hee cannot answere, for that some men will have
their works done stronger than others and make use of more Iron worke
than others, as alsoe for that hee never tooke notice how many will serve./

To the 11th hee saith hee is an Anchor Smith and was a Journeyman
to the sayd Gough who is nothing of Kinne nor indebted to this rendent

To the 12th he cannot answere

To the last hee hath satisfied the contents thereof before soe farr as hee can.

Repeated before doctor Godolphin

the marke of the sayd
Arthur "'A"' Cower ./ [MARK ON RH SIDE]


The 25th of November 1656

Michaell de Haze ffoppe Wessell and other}
Owners of the Sea ffortune against Antonio}
ffernandez Caravaihall and Roger Kilvert}
Suckley Smith}

Examined upon an allegation on the sayde Michaell de Haze
and Company./

Rp EA. 1

Charles Chillingworth of London Merchant aged thirty
fower yeares or thereabouts a witness sworne and
examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet.

To the 4th article of the sayd allegation hee saith that about the latter
end of Aprill or beginning of May last 1656 the arlate ffoppe Wessell
did arrive safely at the Canarie Islands and there did deliver his
Cargo of goods which hee brought from England in the arlate shipp
the Sea ffortune to the arlate don Christopher da Alvarad[?a] da
Bracamonte the ffactor and Assigne of the arlate Antonio ffernandez
and company and did demande from the sayd don Christopher
such wine and goods as hee would relade for London that hee
might returne therewith to the sayde ffernandez and Company
the premisses he deposeth of his own sight and knowledge for that
hee this deponent was then at the Port of Oratava in the Island
of Teneriff one of the Canarie Islands and sawe the arrivall
of the Sea ffortune there and sawe the sayd Wessells make delivery
of his sayd ladeing to the sayd don Christopher, and alsoe
heard him require of the sayd don Christopher such wines
and other goods at hee had to relade the sayd shipp with for London
And further to this article hee cannot depose.

To the 5th and 6th articles of the sayd allegation and to the letter
in the sayd 6th article mentioned hee saith That after the arlate ffopp had