HCA 13/71 f.335r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.335r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


of the sayd Interrogatorie it being directed only to the sayd Marsh
it concerneth him not to answere thereto./ neither knoweth hee ought

To the 9th it concerneth him not to answere thereto the same being only
directed to the sayd Marsh

To the 10th and 11th hee saith they concerne him not to answere to them
for the reason aforesayd

Repeated before Colonel Cock/

the marke of the sayd
Robert RS [MARKE, S is reversed] Sherman/ [MARKE, RH SIDE]


The 20th day of August 1656/

Affidavit made touching the shipp}
hopegood henry Sherward Master bound}
on a voyage from Barbadoes to}

[GUTTER XXdall] dt

Nathaniell Lansdon of London Merchant sworne
before the right Worshipfull Charles George Cock Esquire
one of the Judges of the high Court of Admiralty
saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet./

That hee this deponent being imployed as Supracargoe of the sayd shipp
and comming in her well knoweth that the sayd shipp the hopegood was
bound upon a voyage from the Barbadoes to hamborough and was by
Charterparty to retourne thense to the Barbadoes and in pursuance of such
her voyage sett sayle with this deponent in her from the Barbados towards
hamburough the second day of July 1653 and the seventh of September
next following hee saith the sayd shipp safely arrived in the downes where
two of her Company left her they having formerly contracted and
agreed with the sayd henry Sherward her Master aforesayd that
hee should cleare them at the first port in England where the sayd
shipp should arrive at And the sayd two men being accordingly departed from the
sayd shipp the sayd Master by the fowerteenth of the same moneth of
September had provided a pylott (and fower Seamen hamburgers)
instead of those two of his company which were gone away, with which
Company this deponent on the sayd fowerteenth day of September did desyre the sayd Master to departe thense
and proceede on his intended voyage for hamburgh, to which the sayd
Master answered and sayd to this deponent that he had order from
Mr John hill and of his Owners of the sayd shipp not to proceede on his
voyage to hamburgh with hamburghers for feare they should
betray him, and therefore sayd hee would not proceede on his voyage
till hee had further order from his owners or words to that effect, and
soe stayed with his sayd shipp in the downes (notwithstanding this deponent
as Supracargo of her ordered him to proceede on the sayd voyage) till
the twentith day of the sayd moneth of September, on which day the sayd
shipp was there arrested, for a debt of the sayd Masters, and there
kept till the twenty fifth day of the same moneth and then carried
into dover by virtue of the sayd arrest (two of her mariners having
bin betweene the sayd 20th and 25th dayes of September aforesayd
imprested and taken from on board her to serve this Commonwealth)
all which happened by reason of the sayd Masters not proceeding
on his sayd voyage to hamburgh as this deponent ordered him to doe
by which meanes the sayd voiadge to hamburgh was deferred and