HCA 13/71 f.334v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.334v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


and knoweth they were not at London when the sayd Complaines [?goods GUTTER]
were laden on board the Primrose, and therefore couldnot know of [?the GUTTER]
ladeing of them, and saith hee was present and heard the sayd Complaine
before the ladeing of the sayd goods to speake to the sayde Marsh and tell him
that hee had some goods to send for Ipswich and that hee desyred to send
then by the first hoye, whereto the sayd Marsh replyed and told the sayd
Complaine that his was the first hoye that was to goe, and that if hee [?pleased GUTTER]
to send them hee would take them aboard or reead to that effect [?whereupon GUTTER]
the sayd Complaine cause his goods to bee put on board her which goods
hee might have laded on board any other Ipswich hoye if he had
pleased there being nor other engagement that this deponent knoweth
for the ladeing them aboard the Primrose than what hee hath before
declared And further hee cannot depose/

To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith, hee was not on board were of the
company of the Primrose and further cannot answer otherwise then
negatively for the reasons in his foregoing deposition expressed/

To the second hee saith hee did helpe to take on board the Primrose
divers goods of the sayd Complaines, but they being packed up hee knoweth
not their quality, nor worth, nor rembreth how many parcells there [?were GUTTER]
of them but beleeveth the sayd Complaine was to pay freight for them to the
sayd Marsh for the use of the sayd Brandling Stott and Blomfeild the owners
to the sayd hoye the Primrose And further hee cannot answere/

To the 3 hee saith that he sayd Marsh and their deponent and only boy only have divers
tymes sayled the sayd vessell the Primrose with ladeing of a good value from
Ipswich to London and from London to Ipswich and soe many may very well
sayle her such a voyage, and hee this deponent and a boy have sometymes
sayled her and somtymes a bigger vessell then shee from Ipswich to London
and from London to Ipswich with ladeing of good value and brought the same
to Port And further hee cannot answere/

To the 4th hee saith the tyme Interrogate there were belonging to the hoy the
Primrose the the sayd Marsh and an other marriner [XX GUTTER]
man whose name hee remembreth not and one youth namd William
haggas aged about sixteen or eighteene yeares of age, and an other
named Thomas Anable aged about fowerteene or fifteene yeares, [?all GUTTER]
which were, and went in her the voyage in question as hee verily beleeveth
And saith hee cannot further answere to this Interrogatorie otherwise
then negatively for the reasons in his foregoeing deposition declared.

To the 5th hee saith hee hath noe relation to any of the parties Interrogate
not hath had any conference with any body touching what hee should depose nor is
promised or expecteth any thing for his testimony in such case as is [XXX GUTTER]
and saith hee liveth by his labour as a Seafaring man And further cannot answere.

To the 6th hee cannot answere not knowing what to beleeve hee not [?knowing GUTTER]
the quality of the goods laden nor the quantitie of them./

To the 7th hee saith it concerneth him not to answere thereto having
not soe deposed./

To the 8th hee saith soe farr as to these words exclusively (aske the sayd Marsh) hee
cannot answere otherwise then before hee hath deposed And to the [?rest GUTTER]