HCA 13/71 f.222r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.222r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


away upon the seizure of the Spaniards hereafter mentioned, and otherwise
hee cannot depose saving that it was in or about the month of december
last past that the said goods were soe laden aboard the said shipp at Bristoll.

To the fourth article hee saith and deposeth that the said shipp with
the said goods and merchandizes aboard her departing on the said voyage
from Bristoll and ariving and comming to an anchor in Malega Roade in
the evening of the nine and twentieth day of January last was the
next day sett upon and surprized by two small vessells and P[?XXX] boates
manned with Spaniards that came from shore and carried into the
Mould of Malaga, and that after such her being seizure the master and
company were turned out, and the said goods dischardged and sold in
Malaga by authoritie of the Governour there, and soe the said shipp and
goods were and are utterly lost to the said mr yeomans, mr Page
and mr Gough, without any recompense or satisfaction at all made
unto them or any of them for the same, which hee knoweth to be true
because hee went sopra cargo of her, and
sawe her under the said seizure, and
sawe her rigging and Cables taken ashore after the goods were
discharged. And for the further Information of the Judges herein
hee [?XXX]veth a certificate under the hands of certaine English merchants
then at Malaga, whom this deponent sawe subscribe the same.
And otherwise hee cannot depose saving the said producents were
owners of the said shipp at the time of the said seizure.

Repeated before doctor Godolphin./.



The nineteenth of the same moneth. [CENTRE HEADING]

Rp. 3.

John Pope of Bristoll Merchant aged 30 yeeres or thereabouts
sworne and exámined as aforesaid.

To the first and second Interrogatories hee saith and deposeth that hee well
knew the good shipp called the Lilly of Bristoll (whereof Thomas
Parson was master) at such time as shee was last at Bristoll from
Whense shee was bound to proceede on a voyage as farr as Marseilla
in the Realme of ffrance: And saith that the producents Robert yeomans
and henry Gough, were each of them owner of a third part of the
said shipp, tackle and furniture (and for such commonly accounted) at the
time of her setting out on the said voyage, and afterwards where shee
was taken by the Spaniards, which hee knoweth to be true, because hee
this deponent was the same time owner of the other third part of
the said shipp, tackle, apparell and furniture.

To the third hee saith and deposeth that during such time as the said
shipp the Lilly was last at Bristoll, and preparing to goe the said
Voyage, there were laden in and on board her by and for account
of the said Robert yeomans and henry Gough as many Pilchards