HCA 13/71 f.221v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.221v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


and to be disposed of by Thomas Moody who went Sopra Cargo og ther
said shipp, and was to dispose thereof for the said accounts, which hee
knoweth because hee this deponent had alsoe a quantitie of the like goods
laden aboard the said shipp, which were to be transported and disposed as
aforesayd. And saith that the share of the said John Popeand the said goods and moneyes soe
laden amounted to the summe of three hundred pounds sterling or thereabouts, and the
interest of the said henry Gough to the like summe, besides their shares in the said shipp.


To the fourth hee saith that the said shipp with the said goods and [?XXXXXX]
departed from Bristoll towards Marseilla aforesaid, there to unlade
unlesse shee found a market at Malega or thereabouts by the way
And that the said shipp with the said lading was in prosecution of
the said voyage taken and seized in Malega Roade by the Spaniards as this
deponent hath bin informed, and uterly lost to the producents.

before Colonel Cock.



The seaventeenth of May 1656. [CENTRE HEADING]

Rp. 1

Thomas Moody of Bristoll Marchant aged 28 yeares
or thereabouts sworne before the right worshipfull Charles
Cock Esquire one of the Judges of the
high Court of the Admiraltie of England and examined
upon certaine Interrogatories ministred on the behalfe of
Robert Yeamans, John Pope and henry George
Merchants of Bristoll saith and deposeth as followeth

To the first and second Interogatorries hee saith and deposeth that hee
well knew the good shipp the Lilly of Bristoll (whereof Thomas
Parson was master) at the time of her last being at Bristoll
and thence bound out on a voyage as farr as Marseilla interrogated.
And saith the producents Robert Yeomans, John Pope and henry
Gough were sole owners of the said shipp and of her tackle
apparell and furniture and for such commonly accompted at the
time of her proceeding on the said voyage and when shee was taken
and lost, which hee knoweth because hee this deponet went
Sopra cargo of her, and was imployed by the said producents.

To the thrird hee saith that while the said shipp was and
remained at Bristoll preparing for the said voyage there were
laden aboard her for the accounts of the said producents Robert
yeamans, John Pope and henry Gough, to be carried and
transported towards Marseille and there or at Malega or other place
thereabouts by the way to be disposed of for their accounts a quantitie
of pilchards, stock[?XXXX], moneys and other things, which hee knoweth
because hee this deponent as aforesaid went Sopra cargo of the said
shipp and was to have the disposall of them for their accounts, but
the iust quantitie or particularisation of the said goods and moneys hee
knoweth not, having the Invoice and all his papers taken away