HCA 13/71 f.220v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.220v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


or heard of notwithstanding that this deponent and his said master
have used all diligence to finde out and recover the same. And saith
the said goods soe wanting and lost were worth the summe of two
hundred and sixtie pounds sterling or thereabouts. And otherwise hee cannot
depose, saving that it was in or about November last that this
deponent soe went to receive the said goods, and many times since
hee hath bin at the Prize office about the said goods soe wanting
and gone, but could heare noe newes of them,/


Repeated before doctor Godolphin.


The fourteenth of May 1656.

harris and others against Pursell}
and others. Smith. Suckley.}

Exámined upon an allegation given in
on the behalfe of the said Pursell
and others.

Rp. 1

John Bradborne of the Inner Temple London.
gentleman aged 20 yeeres or thereabouts sworne and

To the first article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth
that in or about the end of the moneth of March 1649 and
beginning of Aprill 1650, the arlate William harris Thomas
Bowyer and Richard heaman or some of them had treatie with
the arlate Thomas waters, Thomas Pursell, hugh Massey
and Richard Webb and with Richard Best since deceased or some of them about letting or hiring
out in severall
proportions of tonnage in the shipp the Mathew and John to them
the said waters and company at freight, and did shortly after agree
and by Charter partie bearing date the 22th of the said
moneth of Aprill 1650 did let severall proportions
of tonnage in the said shipp to [?monethly] freight to the said
Waters and company, as by one part of the said Charter partie
under the hands and seales of the said william harris, Thomas
Bowyer and Richard heaman which this deponent hath now with
him and whereunto haris a witnes now fully appeareth, And
otherwise referring him selfe to the said Charter partie (the
Counter part whereof is remayning in this Court) hee
cannot depose.

To the second hee saith that in and by the said Charter partie
it was agreed and covenanted that the said shipps monethly
imployment was to begin at and upon the day that the said shipp
should have made all her fish at the Newfoundland, and [?should GUTTER]
begin to receive the same into her for the severall accounts of the
said waters and company, and for more certaintie herein hee
referreth himselfe to the said Charterpartie, And otherwise hee
cannot depose.

To the third hee cannot depose, not being in the said voyage, nor
knowing ought thereof otherwise than as aforesaid
