HCA 13/71 f.203r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 203 |
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IMAGE: P1130563.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2012/11/01 | |
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Edited on 26/05/2014 by Coln Greenstreet |
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To the 4 hee cannot answere not knowing of nor having deposed any
thing to the effect Interrogate./
To the 5th hee cannot depose./
To the 6th Interrogatorie soe farr as to these words videlicet (or did use words
to that or the like effect) hee cannot depose, knowing nothing touching the
contents thereof, And to the rest of the Interrogatorie hee answereth negatively
Repeated in Court before doctor Godolphin
and Colonell Cock./
The same day
Examined on the sayd allegation
Rp. 3us
John Bennetland of the parish of Saint Mary Magdalen Ber=
mondsey in Southwarke in the County of Surrey Mariner
Master of the Patience of London aged thirty two yeares
or thereabouts a wittnes sworne and examined saith and
deposeth as followeth videlicet./
To the 6th article of the sayd allegation and the schedule therein mentioned
hee saith that hee this deponent was Master of the shipp Patience of London
and laye in the River of Morlaix neere the shipp the Morlaix Merchant
arlate during all the tyme shee roade in the sayd River (this deponents
sayd shipp coming thither and departing thense with the sayd shipp the Morlaix
Merchant) and saith that the day before the Morlaix Merchant departed
from Morlaix this deponent and one Mr Varles an English Merchant
were on board the sayd shipp Morlaix Merchant, and saith wile they were
there, there came two french men on board one whereof (whose name hee knoweth not) did
demande of the arlate Robert Bowden Master of the Morlaix Merchant
three fardles of Linnen laden aboard his shipp by the arlate ffrancis
Trenchpayne, and shewed unto the sayd Bowden the schedule arlate
which hee sayd was a noate under the sayd Trenchpaines hand and sent by the sayd Trenchpaine to the sayd Bowden for the
delivery of the sayd three fardles to him, and this deponent knoweth
that the other who came alonge with the french man who made demands
of the sayd three fardles was the sayd Trenchpaines servant, (hee having
seene him often at the sayd Trenchpaines howse and imployed by him
as his servant in his affayres) and saith hee heard the sayd Trenchpaines
sayd servant affirme that the sayd noate or schedule was his sayd masters hand
and [?solely] to the sayd Bowden and that the sayd three fardles were to be delivered by the
Bowden according to the sayd noate, and alsoe heard the sayd Varles
(upon his perusall of the sayd Noate) saye that hee being acquainted
familiarly with the sayd Trenchpaines hand writeing did verily
beleeve the same noate to bee all of it his the sayd Trenchpaines owne hand
writing, And these premisses passed in manner aforesayd aboard the
Morlaix Merchant in presense and heareing of this deponent and the sayd
Mr Varles And further to this article hee cannot depose/
To the rest hee is not examined by direction of the producents proctor