HCA 13/71 f.114r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.114r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The eighth day of March 1655

The Claime of Maturine Pellicot}
and company of Amsterdam Owners}
of the shipp the ffortune (whereof}
Daniel Egerton is Master for the}
sayd shipp and her tackle apparell}
and furniture taken and seized}
by the dartmouth frigot in the immed=}
late serice of the Commonwealth}
of England and Budd ffrancklyn}

Examined upon an allegation the behalfe of the sayd

Daniel Egerton of Amsterdam Mariner master of the
sayd shipp the fortune aged forty two yeares or there
abouts a witnes produced sworne and examined saith
as followeth videlicet.

To the first Article of the sayd allegation this deponent saith that the arlate
shipp the ffortune having in her a lading of wines was seized and
taken by the dartmouth frigott being one of the frigotts in the immediate
service of the Commonwealth of England upon the thirtyeth day of January
last past 1656. new style. which he knoweth being master of the sayd shipp
and on board her when she was so seized. And otherwise he cannot depose

To the second article of the sayd allegation, this deponent saith that this deponent and
Company did not at the tyme of the sayd seizure or before oppose the sayd dartmouth
frigot, nor did the shipp ffortune att all fly from, or this deponent and
Company use any Endeavours to fly from the sayd dartmouth frigot, but did
willingly upon the first summons submitt the sayd shipp and her lading to be
visited and seized by the Company of the said frigot, severall of whom
soone after the sayd summons came on board the fortune and seized her and
her lading and afterwards brought [XX] same into the downes, all which was
done without any opposition made by this deponent or any of his Company. which
he knoweth being master of the sayd shipp and an eye witnesse of the premisses
And otherwise he cannot depose

To the third article of the sayd allegation he saith that being summoned by a shott from the
sayd frigot he this deponent immediately struck and lowered his maintop saile,
so as the Captaine and Company of the sayd frigot did or well might see the
same. And soone after this deponent did alsoe strike and lower his
foresayle, and kept the same so strucken and lowered. And otherwise or
further cannot depose, saving that he beleiveth he did what was his duty
and as much as is usuall and requisit in like cases in the striking of this
sayles as aforesaid, saying that noe manner of Opposition was used by this
deponent or Company against the said frigott, as before he hath also declared

To the last he saith his foresayd deposition is true.

To the Crosse Interrogatorie. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first Interrogatory, this Rendent saith that he sayled with his shipp fortune
off from the ffrench Coast directly to the Duynes, and that the sayd frigott
mett the sayd shipp having sayled along the Beach, so as the sayd frigott
did not chase the fortune or the ffortune fly from the frigott att all. And when this
Rendent first sawe the sayd frigot she was off of the beach not farr from the shoare; And
when the ffortune was boarded she was about a dutch mile or two English
miles from shoare. And further or otherwise he cannot answere.

To the second Interrogatorie he saith, that being come neere to the sayd frigott, her Captaine
and Company summoned this deponent by a shott, and immediately this deponent
struck his mayne topsayle as aforesaid, but the said Captaine as it seemes, was
not content therewith and therefore shott agayne, and then immediately this
Rendent struck his foresayle, And att that tyme the shipp ffortune was
come within about muskett shott of the sayd frigott. And otherwise
he saith he cannot answere, saving that the sayd dartmouth frigott from
the tyme this Rendent first saw her had out and did weare the English Colours

Danielle Egerton [SIGNATURE RH SIDE]