HCA 13/70 f.751v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.751v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


of twelve or more passengers dutchmen, besides this deponent all goeing
for the hague, the names of the sayd passengers hee saith hee knoweth not
they being all strangers to him and hee happeniong into their Company on;y
by channce in passing with them in one boate to the hague as aforesayd
And further hee cannot depose/

To the 32th hee saith hee is not concerned having not soe deposed/

To the 33th hee saith hee is not concerned having not soe deposed./

To the 34th hee saith hee doth not knowe beleive nor hath heard that
any of the subiects of the Kinge of Spaine living in Antwerpe, Gannt
dunquirke or else where in fflaunders in the yeares 1652 did drive
a trade at Cadiz and Saint Lucar yet hee conceiveth it very possible
that they might soe doe, though this rendent have noe particuler ground[?s]
to beleeve it And otherwise hee cannot depose./

To the 35th hee saith hee was not any of the takers of the sayd three
shipps or any of them nor expecteth any share or part in them or any
of them if they be adiudged prize/

To the 36th hee saith if it were in his power to condemne or free the
sayd shipps hee would doe as hee should soe iust cause to doe in
such a matter And further hee cannot depose./

To the 37th hee saith hee was not at any tyme a Mariner or Passenger
in the sayd shipps or any of them./

To the 38th hee saith hee knoweth not the sayd
Christian Cloppenburgh neither did hee ever receave any distaste
from himn nor demanded anything of him./

To the 39th hee saith that till within these three moneths hee did
pay all taxes and duties to the Commonwealth of all sorts
but at present and for these three weekes last hee hath lived with
his sonne in lawe and daughter, and made all over to them
and they and not himselfe doe now beare and pay those
duties And otherwise hee cannot depose./

Repeated before Doctor Clarke

steven puckle [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 29th day of November 1654: [CENTRE HEADING]

The Lord Protector against the shipp the Saint George}
(whereof John Martendorpe is Master) and against}
daniel [?Sloyer] and others coming in for their interest}
Budd. Smith. ffrancklyn}

Examined upon an Allegation on the
behalfe of the said [?Sloyer] and Companie


Henrick Vett of hamborough Mariner aged
36. yeares or thereabouts a Wittnes sworne and
examined saith as followethg videlicet/

(To the first