HCA 13/70 f.747r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.747r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


and that upon the breaking out of the sayd warres hee came for
England his native Country and happened to bee heere
at London at such tyme as the three silver shipps the
Sampson (Otto George Master) The Salvador (Christian Cloppenburgh
Master) and the Saint George (John Martensdorpe Master) happened
upon their voyages from Cadiz with their respective ladeings
of money plate and other goods to be seized by the shipps
of this Commonwealth and brought into England, which was
and happened about two yeares agoe. And saith that soone
after the sayd seizure, and in the moneth of November one
thousand sixe hundred fiftie two, hee had occasion to repayre
againe into holland for the selling and disposeing of an house and
garden and some other things which hee had at Rotterdam aforesayd.
And saith by virtue of his oath that within the sayd moneth of
November and within some little tyme after, hee was at
Rotterdam, Leydon, delphe and the hague, and that in those
places and else where in holland it was at that tyme commonly and
generally talked of, and reported, that the States of the United
Provinces and their subiects had an exceeding great losse
by reason of the seizure of the sayd shipps by the English
and there was of this deponents sight and observation a generall and
great lamenting in those places for the sayd losse, And
hee further more partiicularly saith, that on or about the twentith
day of November one thousand sixe hundred fiftie two afore=
sayd new style hee went in Company of certayne dutchmen
subiects of the said States, travailing with them in the [?Skute]
from delphe to the hague, And that they the sayd dutch
amongst other matters fell into discourse about the takeing of
the sayd three shipps by the English, which had the plate and siver
in them (meaning and speaking of the sayd shipps Sampson
Salvador and Saint George above mentioned) And in that
discourse one of the sayd dutchmen who was one of the Lords of
delph, and a Bewinthebber of the dutch East India Company, did
then and there in the presence and hearing of him this deponent Confidently