HCA 13/70 f.735r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.735r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the third article hee saith and deposeth that in the said shipps last
voyage but one to Spaine, namely in the yeare 1650 or thereabouts this deponent
was one of her company and was in her at Cadiz, and that then and there
shee was commonly taken notice of said and knowne to be a shipp of
hamborough and thereunto belonging, and to have her owners there dwelling
and not at Amsterdam or elsewhere save hamborough. And otherwise shee
cannot depose.

To the fourth hee saith that the said Mathew ffransen was and is
a person of soe meane and slight a condition, thatthere is noe likelihood
hee should be owner of any shipp or part of a shipp, much lesse any
part owner of a shipp of soe greate a burthen as the Salvador was and
is, namely of 160 lasts or thereabouts, and from her first building
was designed for and hath used a greate trade; ffor hee saith the
said ffransen is a very meane person, and one that is not very
well in his understanding and senses as this deponent conceiveth, for
hee will some times goe up and downe the straetes in a distracted fashion
and is looked upon as a slight person, yet a good workeman in his trade,
and being soe a good workeman, the said Cloppenburgh imployed him
as other skippers did. And saith the said shipps owners were and are
all commonly accompted merchants of hamborough of good fashion and
dealing, foure whereof namely daniel Brandes Jerome [?Switger]. Jerome
Peterson and henderick hambrooke this deponent knoweth to be such'
and saith that persons and marchants of soe eminent condition as they
are willscarse ever suffer any poore or meane person (such as the
said ffransen is) to have any share or part in any shipp where they
are owners. And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the 5 hee cannot depose, for hee was not in the said shipp the
Salvador in this her last voyage.

To the 6th hee cannot depose, for hee was not at Cales the last voyage
as aforesaid of the said shipp.

To the 7th hee cannot depose for hee left the said shipp at Amsterdam
in the foresaid yeare 1651, and went home to hamborough, and came not
afterwards into her till about eleaven monethes since, at which time
hee came againe aboard her here in the River of Thames.

q: [?XXXdsa] ad Interria folio sequanti,



The 30th of November 1654. [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upon the foresaid allegation.


Joachim Beane of hamborough Mariner, aged 35 yeares
or thereabouts sworne and examined.

To the first article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that
the shipp the Salvador arlate whereof Christian Cloppenburgh is
master was built at hamborough in the yeare 1647 or thereabouts, which
hee knoweth for hee this deponent was then there (being the place of his
birth and dwelling) and sawe the very beginning of such her building