HCA 13/70 f.734v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.734v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 29th of November 1654. [CENTRE HEADING]

The Lord Protector against the Salvador}
whereof Christian Cloppenburgh is master}
and against Brandes and others}

Examined upon an allegation given in on the
behalfe of the said Brandes and others
the 22th of November instant.


Hance Ramke of hamborough Mariner aged
40 yeares or thereabouts, sworne and examined.

To the first article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that hee
hath well knowne the shipp the Salvador arlate (whereof Christian
Cloppenburgh is or late was master) ever since shee was first built
namely for theise seaven yeares last past or thereabouts, and that shee
was built at hamborough about seaven yeares since upon a place called the
Tarr-host where this deponent sawe her as shee was building upon the
stocks, and sawe her finished and sawe her launched, and ever since
her said building shee hath belonged to the port of hamborough (,and to
be a shipp of and belonging to hamborough and not to any other place
shee hath bin for all the said time and is commonly accompted and reputed,
which hee knoweth being a mariner and Inhabitant of hamborough where
hee hath dwelt for theise twelve yeares last or thereabouts, and saith
hee nowe belongeth to her and hath soe donne for neere a yeeres space last
and came this morning from on board her, and very
well knoweth her to be the same shipp that was soe built at hamborough
about seaven yeares since, And otherwise hee cannot depose, saving hee formerly
alsoe belonged unto her and went a voyage in her to Spaine.

To the second article of the said allegation hee saith that the said shipp comming
from Spaine to Amsterdam and lying at Amsterdam in the sumner time
1651 (at which time this deponent was one of her company) the arlate
Mathew ffranson a saile-maker of Amsterdam whom this deponent
well knoweth came aboard the said shipp to the said Christian Cloppenburgh
master of her and in this deponents presence and hearing spake unto the
said Cloppenburgh that hee the said ffranson might supplie him with
such sailes and other necessaries belonging to the saile-makers trade as
his shipp the Salvador wanted, and might doe his worke in repairing
the said shipps sailes, whereunto the said Christian Cloppenburgh
condescended, and thereupon the said Mathew ffransen furnished the said
shipp with severall sailes and amended other of her sailes that would serve
againe with repairing, and this deponent well knoweth that the said
skipper paid him money for the same, but howe much hee remembreth
not, And saith the said Cloppenburgh had then noe dealing with the
said ffransen then as aforesaid, nor did the said ffransen pretend
to any ownershipp in the said vessell, and this deponent verily beleeveth
that hee is not nor was any owner or part owner of her, for if
hee had, this deponent conceiveth hee needed not have bin a suter to
the Skipper for the said worke, neither in likelihood would the Skipper
have paid him for that worke a part, but upon the shipps accompt for
ffreight, And otherwise hee cannot depose.
