HCA 13/70 f.730v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 730 |
Side | Verso |
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Karen Gunnell | |
First transcribed | |
2015/02/08 |
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Spaine to amsterdam and there, finishing there severall voyages within the nine yeares last.
this deponent hath seene the said Christian Cloppenburgh deliver
at Amsterdam to severall persons there residing, namely the first time to
a merchant dwelling on the keisers gracht, the second time to one
Arian Poulsen dwelling in the (?Strewet) market, and
the last time which was about two yeares since to one vanderstraten
in the heeresgracht, but for the time(being soe longe since) persons or quantitie hee
saith hee doth not otherwise remember then as aforesaid. And further hee cannot
answer saving his foregoing deposition.
To the 22 hee hath not deposed, namely not of any confession made
by the said Christian Cloppengburgh that his said shipp belonged to Amsterdam.
To the 23th hee saith hee hath seene the shipp the Mercurius interrate at
Cadiz about 6 yeares since, and saith she was a broadsterned shipp having
three or four and twenty gunnes, holland built at least in appearance, and
of about 400 tonnes burthen, and since that time hee hath not seene her
saving about 4 yeares since at which time hee sawe her at Amsterdam
and never sawe the Golden Sunn being at Ostend the time aforesaid, whic
hee saith was then of the burthen (in his estimacion) of five hundred tonnes
and a broadsterned shipp alsoe of a holland mould,
and otherwise hee cannot answer saving as aforesaid.
To the24 hee hath not soe deposed, but at amsterdam it was commonly and
generally said and reputed that shee belonged to that citie, and saving
spoken of a common report and fame in such a citie hee saith hee cannot depose
knowingly to the question of what person, or in what house or language
hee heard it for (as hee saith) if hee heard it only of some particular
person or in some distinct house it could not in his iudgement but the common
forme and voice of the people as he saith it was, and therefore hee therein referreth
himselfe to his foregoing deposition.
To the 25th hee referreth himselfe to his foregoing deposition.
To the 27th hee hath not soe deposed.
To the 28th hee hath not soe deposed.
To the 29th hee saith that severall ships of severall Province, states
in amitie together doe often times meete and trade at a port of
another state or Province in amitie with them and lade there, and.
To the 30th negatively saving hee came not from Cadiz in any of
the shipps interrate or in their company.
To the 31 and 32th hee hath not soe deposed.
To the 33 hee saith that the said discourse betwixt the mariners of the Salvador and this
deponent at the bell at [LH MARGIN]
Woolwich, happened in an
upper roome or chamber of
the said house, and was spoken
in dutch in the afternoone
and that one of the mariner
was named (?Cornelius), and
was trumpeter of the said
shipp and otherwise hee
remembreth not saving his
foregoing deposition.
Abraham Jansen [SIGNATURE]
To the 36th hee answereth and saith that if it were in his power hee
would adjudge and condemn for a prize the severall shipps the Sampson
the Salvador and Saint George interrate with their severall ladings
because hee verily beleeveth them to belonge to hollanders and to be as
good prize to this state as any that ever they tooke.
To the 37th hee referreth himselfe to his foregoing deposition, and otherwise
To the 38th negatively for his part, saving there was never any fallings
out betwixt this deponent and the said Xhristian Cloppenburgh nor did
this deponent ever demand any wages of him, having never served in his
To the 39th hee saith hee is only a lodger at the place aforesaid of his (?predite) abode
but is not taxed to the Commonwealth, and is a sailmaker by trade.
Abraham Jansen [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
Repeated before Doctors Clarke and Godolphin [LHS SIDE]