HCA 13/70 f.730r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.730r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the fifth Interrogatie hee saith hee is not nor was any of the company of the
Salvador interrate, and soe all the rest of this interrogatorie is satisfied.

To the 2 negatively, saying hee was not present at the lading of the silver in question.

To the 3 hee cannot answer not being present as aforesaid, but hath heard
that the said shipp was wholly laden at Cadiz.

To the fourth hee saith that hee hath knowne the Matthew Fransen aforesaid
for these twenty yeares last past, and knoweth him to be a part owner
of the said shipp for the reasons aforesaid, and because hee hath often seen
and been privie to the accompt made up and given by the said Christian
Cloppenburgh to the said Matthew Fransen as a part owner for the freight, proffite and expenses
of the said shipp, this deponent as aforesaid living with the said Fransen
and soe cumming to take notice of and to be acquainted with the premisses
and otherwise hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition.

To the 5th hee saith hee knoweth not any other of the owners of the said
shipp than the said Matthew Fransen, who hee saith is of a middle stature
well bearded, pale coloured in the face and of about 40 yeares of age, and
this deponent sawe him last at Amsterdam at church about 14 monthes since
and when this deponent last spake with him, hee spake dutch to this deponent
who spake dutch to him, being as hee beleeveyh the only language that the
said Fransen can speke of this deponent albeit hee wrought three yeares
with him at the trade of saile making, never heard him speake any other
language but dutch, but the effect of their last communication hee saith
hee remembreth not.

To the 6th hee saith that this examinate can speake English being his
mother tongue, lowe dutch, having lived 26 and 27 yeares in Amsterdam
ended about 14 monthes since, Spanish having often sailed in Spanish
shipps, and first learnt the language about 14 yeares since and can
speake a little French.

To the 7th hee saith hee can write legibly and reade both written (?and} and

To the 8th hee saith he knoweth the purser of the Salvador by sight
and that the said purser was in company of those of the companie of the said
shipp when this deponent met and dranke and discoursed with them at
Woolwich as hee hath predeposed, which meeetin was casuall referring
himselfe to his foregoing deposition, and saith the said purser after some tyme departed
their company, and on his going, hailed and bade his fellowes have a care of their tongues

and what they said, saying [LH MARGIN]
to them, you know in
what a case wee have bin in
already, or that effect,

Abraham Jansen [SIGNATURE]

To the 12th hee hath not soe deposed.

To the 13th negatively.

To the 14th and 15th hee saith hee was not of the company of any of the Shipps of this
Commonwealth that seized the said shipp and her lading, and otherwise

To the 16th negatively.

To the 17th hee referreth himselfe to his foregoing deposition.

To the 18th hee referreth himselfe to his foregoing deposition where he hath
satisfied the same.

To the 19th hee saith hee dwelt constantly in Amsterdam (saving his absence
now and then in seafaring voyage) for 26 yeares or thereabouts, till about
14 monthes since at which time hee returned thence with his wife and went
and tooke a chamber in Ostend, and there continued only six or seven weekes
and thence came for England and hath ever since dwelt in Saint Catherines
lane neere the Tower of London the place of his present residence.

To the 20th hee saith that hee never sailed in the said shipp the Salvadorr
nor was ever in her at Cadiz.

To the 21th hee saith that upon the said shipp the Salvador her returne from Spaine