HCA 13/70 f.721v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.721v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


sayd Purser so farr as she knoweth but hath oftentimes bene
in the Company of the sayd Otto George att Amsterdam in
the new towne att her sayd Aunts house where he used
frequently to come after his returnes from voyages
and there this deponent was att such tymes almost
dayly in his Company and merry with him and
know him both a Common mariner, a Boatswayne, and
a masters mate and a master of a shipp, and first saw
him about 18 yeares agoe. and she was severall
tymes in his Company since the bringing of the Sampson
to London as well as and neere the Exchange as elsewhere
and particularly upon the Tower hill where she last saw
and had discourse with him being in the summers tyme
was twelvemonth. And further she cannot depose.

To the 15th she saith that about a yeare and a halfe agoe, the
tyme otherwise she remembreth not, meeting with the sayd Otto
George upon the Tower Hill, and taking acquaintance to=
getherafter some discourse of her this deponents present poor
condition her husband the sayd Abraham Johnson having
a while before lost his shipp the Orange tree whereof he
was master seized by the Hollanders under pretense of his
siding with the English) He the sayd Otto George gave
this deponent halfe a Crowne being new coyned money
and sayd thus. Ick en hebbe niet meer gelt by my, hier is een
halve Croone, and then said wanneer beleift u uwen freinden ende vaderlandt
soecken whereto this depondent replying asked him whether he would carry
her home in his shipp. meaning and speaking of Amsterdam and his
sayd shipp the Sampson. and he thereto replyed. dat sal ick doen
wanner ick sal claer worden, maer de skellams my
hier houden. and he moreover then sayd, dat halve Croone
is van myn eygen zylver dat hier geschlagen is dat naer Amsterdam
gaen soude, maer de skellams hebben het hier ghehouden. or
to the same or like effect. And att the tyme of such discourse
there was none present but the sayd Otto George and the deponent
And further she cannot depose, saving the sayd discourse was in the
dutch tongue.

To the 16 17 18 and 19. Interrogatories she saith she was not belonging
to any of the three shipps Sampson Salvador, or Saint George or
to the shipps that tooke them or any of them. neyther did she see
any of the writings interrate. And further otherwise than=
negatively she cannot depose.


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With many thanks to @zeegechiedenis and @helmers_h

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