HCA 13/70 f.721r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.721r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Saint George weere seized, but she hath credibly heard that there
was a generall complaint and greife att Amsterdam and elsewhere in
holland upon the seizure of the sayd shipps by the English, and
that the sylver on board them was for the Accompt of Hollanders.
And further she cannot depose.

To the eighteenth article she sayth she knoweth nothing thereof.

To the nyneteenth Article she saith that since the seizure of
the sayd shipp the Sampson and bringing of the same to this
Port she hath bene in Company of the sayd Otto George
and likewise in the Company of his Trumpeter,
and shipsboy and hath had discourse with them, and they
have every of them told and acquainted this deponent
that teh sayd shipp the Sampson was this her last voyage
bound with her sylver and lading to Amsterdam and
thither should and would have gone in case she had not
bene seized by the shipps of this Cpmmonwealth or to
the same effect and purpose. And otherwise she saith
she cannot depose/

To the Crosse Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the 1. 2. and 3. Interrogatories she saith she cannot otherwise thena
negatively depose.

To the 4th she saith she doth not know who are the Owners of
the sayd shipp the Sampson/

To the 5th she saith she is not concerned having not soe deposed.

To the 6th she saith that the Low dutch is her naturall langauge
and that she can speake broken English having learnt the
same att and neare this Citty, where she hath lived
upwards of two yeares.

To the 7th she saith she knoweth the English and dutch
letters or most of them eyther written or printed, but she cannot
read or write eyther of the sayd tongues.

To the 8th she saith she doth not know the Purser of the Sampson

To the 9. 10. and 11th she saith that not knoweing anything of
the sayd pursers booke she cannot otherwise than negatively depose

To the 12th she saith she hath not so deposed.

To the 13. shee saith, shee hath not seene the Pursers booke interrate

To the 14th shee sayth she never was in the Company of the