HCA 13/70 f.704v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.704v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the fifth hee saith that the said shipp Saint Jacob at the time
of her entrance upon the said voyage at Lieba was a tight
strong and staunch shipp and fit for the same, and that during
the whole terme of the voyage the master and company were very
carefull and diligent in looking to the pump, and preserving to
their utmost the goods drie and keeping them well conditioned; for
in case any dammage have happened to the goods aboard her or any
of them more then they came aboard with, hee saith the same was
solely caused and occasioned by meanes of the said stormes and tempests
and the sea water shipped thereby, and not by any defect of the
said shipp or neglect or default whatsoever of the company or
of any of them or the master, which hee knoweth for the reasons

To the sixth hee saith that the linnens or [?XXXus] canvas arlate
brought to this port of London in the said shipp the Saint Jacob were
(as the common fame and report were at Lieba) saved out of a shipp
that was there cast away a little before the lading thereof aboard
the Saint Jacob, and soe they were reported and affirmed to be by the
boat men that brought them aboard the Saint Jacob, in which comming
aboard (they comming in an open boate and in fowle weather) the se
beate in and it rained upon them soe that they came wet aboard
besides the dammadge they had received by being cast away in the said
other shipp, out of which they were regained; And saith they came
three English miles or more thereabouts in the said stormie and rainy
weather from the shore to the said shipp Saint Jacob; which hee deposeth
because hee sawe the same, and sawe the said goods laden in the same
damp and wet condition they came aboard, soe that as hee saith
whatsoever dammage was found or appeared to be in them at the
time of their delivery here, came by the meanes predeposed and
not by any insufficiencie of or in the shipp or any neglect or default
of the master and company or any of them. And otherwise hee cannot
depose saving hee giveth a reason of his knowledge as aforesaid.

To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith hee was pilote of the said shipp the said voyage
and otherwise answereth negatively.

To the second hee saith that as hee was informed at Lieba the said goods
soe saved out of the said shipp soe cast away, were after such saving there
washed and dried as welll as they could be, before their
putting into the boate to be carried aboard the Saint Jacob

To the third and 4th hee cannot answer, for hee saith hee was not aboard at the time
of the delivery interrogate, nor sawe the condition of the said goods when they came to be
