HCA 13/70 f.700r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.700r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Rp. EA.


Thomas Smith of the parish of Stepney and
County of Middlesex Butcher aged 22 yeares or
thereabouts a wittnes sworne and examined saith
and deposeth as followeth videlicet./

To the first article of the sayd libell hee saith that during all the months
lilate in the yeares 1653 and 1654 the arlate Gregory Carye was Commony accompted and
reputed to bee the Master and Commander of the arlate shipp the
three sisters And further to this article hee cannot depose./.

To the 2. 3: 4th and 5th articles and the schedule in the sayd third article mentioned hee saith and deposeth
that the arlate Richard hamond in the yeares 1653 and 1654 was Owner
and Proprietor of the severall parcells of
beefe in this deposition specified, and did by the order and appointment
of the arlate Gregory Carey cause to be delivered unto the Company
of the arlate shipp the Sisters the respective parcells of beefe following
for the use and provision of the Company of the sayd shipp videlicet in
the moneth of October 1653 two hundred weight of beefe And in the
moneth of November next ensueing
five hundred weight of beefe And in the
moneth of ffebruary next following fower hundred one quarter and twelve
pounds of beefe And in the moneth of June 1654 five hundred weight of beefe
And in the moneth of July next following five hundred weight of beefe And
in the moneth of August next enseuing five hundred weight of beefe
and at an other tyme (in the yeare 1654 (as hee beleeveth) five hundred
one quarter and twenty sixe pounds of beefe all which severall parcells
of beefe hee this deponent being then servant to the sayd Richard hamond
did helpe to deliver on board the sayd shipps boate to the Company of the sayd shipp the Sisters for the
use and provision of the sayd shipp and her company and heard the sayd Gregory
Carey confesse that hee had receaved every of the sayd parcells of
beefe on board the sayd shipp, and alsoe heard the sayd Garey saye
that hee had receaved before the sayd moneth of October 1653 of the
sayd hamond for the use and provision of the sayd shipp three other
parcells of beefe anounting (as hee sayd) to twelve pounds eighteene shillings
nyne pence sterling which hee asoe (as hee sayd) ought the sayd hamond
for, but the severall prizes at which the sayd severall parcells of
beefe were sold hee knoweth not, hee not being privie to the bargaines
made betweene the sayd Carey and the sayd hammond for the same,
but hee this deponent well knoweth that at the tymes of the deliverie
of the sayd parcells beefe was usually sold about London at the respective prizes in