HCA 13/70 f.690r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 690 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/10/31 |
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the rate of three and twenty pounds tenn shillings a score and in
persuance of the sayd bargaine the sayd Bayly the sayd day before the sayd damage
in question happened did deliver unto this deponent dry and well conditioned
tenn chalder and a halfe of the sayd Coales soe by this deponent bought of him,
which this deponent received and carried away in a lighter of this deponents,
and this deponent returning the next day to the shipp Imployment whereof
the sayd Bayly is commonly accompted to be Master) intending to have then
fetched the remaynder of the Coales soe by him this deponent bought as aforesayd
found that the sayd shipp had receaved the damage in question, and
that the Coales in her were very wett and had bin Covered with water wheereby they
were very much damnified, whereupon this deponent refused to take
the remaynder of the Coales by him bought at the price formerly agreed upon,
and the sayd Bayly being necessitated to lighten his shipp as soone as
possible hee could to prevent further dammage and that hee might
stopp her leake, (which leake as hee heard from some Masters of
other shipps who were then aboard the Imployment had happened unto
her the Imployment by falling upon the Anchor of an other shipp) did
come to a new agreement with this deponent for the remaynder of the sayd
Coles soe by this deponent bought of him the sayd Bayly, and this deponent
for the remaynder of the sayd Coales after they were soe damnified,
paid the sayd Bayly after the rate of twenty two pounds tenn shillings sterling and noe
more by reason the Coales were soe much dammaged by wett
that they were not then merchantable and for those receaved before the sayd dammage happened after the rate of 23 li - 10 s a score And hee this deponent
well knoweth that his this deponents contest William Powney and a servant of one Maior Browne a Woodmonger of London did at
the same tyme when this deponent as aforesayd bought the sayd coales
at the rate of 23 li - 10 s a score, alsoe buy of the sayd Bayley
other parcells of the same ladeing of Coales (but how many hee remembreth
not) at the same rate of 23 li - 10 s a score, and saith hee sawe thesayd
Maior Brownes man lade some of the sayd coales before the damage aforesayd
happened And further to this article hee cannot depose for that hee this deponent
was not present when the sayd Powney and Maior Brownes man paid for
their coales by them soe bought./
To the rest hee is not examined by direction of the producent./
To the Interrogatories./ [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first Interrogatorie hee answereth negatively./
To the 2 and 3 Interrogatories hee cannot answere hee being only a lighterman who
bought coales of the sayd Bayly but mynded not what shipp lay neere or how
they lay having noe busines with them And further hee cannot answere./
To the 4th hee cannot answeare./
To the 5th it concerneth him not hee having not deposed ought touching the matter