HCA 13/70 f.661v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.661v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 29th of November 1655.

The Lord Protector against the shipp}
the Camell. Jacob Tyson master}

[?XXXX]} dt.

Jacob Tyson master of the said shipp
the Camell aged 40 yeares or thereabouts
sworne as in the acts of Court, saith
and deposeth as followeth.

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth that the said shipp the Camell
belongeth to the port of Amsterdam, and that John Brouwers and
Isaac hermans both dutchmen and marchants and Inhabitants of
Amsterdam and subiects of the Lords the States of the United Netherlands
were and are the sole owners both of the said shipp and of the
lading that was aboard her at the time of her seizure in question. And
otherwise negatively.

To the second Interrogatorie hee deposeth that the said lading was put
aboard the said shipp at Amsterdam by her said owners, and was to be
transported to the Canary Ilands, whether the said shipp was bound, and
saith shee came out of the Texel on the said voyage on the third of
October last new stile, and afterwards was by contrary winde put into
the Ile of Wight, afterwards into Torbay and lastly into Plimouth
whether shee came on the fourth of this instant new stile.

To the third hee saith that hee had two briefs or writings aboard
which concerned the said shipp, and hee had alsoe two bills of lading which
hee did not remember but had forgotten them when he was at Plimouth
examined, being in greate perplexitie and distraction through his being
detained with his said shipp and goods, when as other shipps that came in
thither with him were dischardged, and saith there were alsoe
aboard this deponents seabrief, and passe port and last-brief, and
some other papers and letters of small importance the particulars whereof
hee remembreth not, but referreth himselfe to the same, being in the hands
of the officers of this Commonwealth who seised the same. And saith
there were not any papers made away or throwne overboard, nor was
there any Charter partie for the voyage, the shipp sailing in her owners

To the fourth hee saith that hee was ordered by his said owners and imployers
to deliver the said lading at Teneriff in the port of Santa Cruse
to Nicholas Motelier, a Wallon by Nation, and a Subiect
(for ought hee knoweth to the contrary) of the king of Spaine, And
otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the fifth hee saith the foresaid owners bought the said shipp at
fflushing in or about Aprill 1653, and in May following shee being
brought thence to Amsterdam this deponent was thereby then constituted
master of her, and ever since this deponent hath continued master and
the said John Brouwers and Isaac hermans sole owners of the said
vessell to this present, And otherwise cannot depose, hee not
being present at such her buying.
