HCA 13/70 f.560v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.560v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 6th hee saith saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot further
hereto depose/

To the 7th hee referreth himselfe to the Registrie of this Court and further
cannot depose saving hee saith hee hath heard the sayd Taylor demand of the
sayd hubberley satisfaction for the repayeres of the sayd shipp Elsabeth
and for the stored predeposed of and saith the sayd hubberley answered that the
Owners of the sayd shipp would pay the same, or to that effect and saving
hee saith that about a
twelve moneth since hee this deponent by the Command of his Master the sayd
John Taylor did demand of one Mr Startute one of the cheife owners of the
sayd shipp the summe of one hundred [?eignty] sixe pounds tenn shillings tenn
pence for the whole due for all the repares and stores aforesayd and the
sayd Startute sayd hee would only pay thirty six pounds one shillings tenn
pence (which is the money due for stores and otherwise as aforesayd) and for the rest hee sayd
the sayd hubberley was to pay the same./

To the last hee beleeveth the sayd Taylor by the non payment of his
sayd money is (beside the principall) damnified for want of the same to use
in his trade but to what value hee knoweth not And further hee cannot

repeated before doctor Godolphin/.

Jo: Taylor Junior [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 24th of december 1655. [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upon the foresaid libell.


William Taylor of Wapping Shipwright
aged 24 yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined.

To the first article

To the second article hee saith and deposeth that betwixt foure and five
yeares since or thereabouts and within the time libellate the producent
John Taylor (being a Shipwright) haled and caused to be haled the said
shipp the Elizabeth (then standing in neede of repaires) into the dry-
dock at Wapping, and [XXXed] her well there, and ripped off all her
old sheathing. and dubbed downe her sides cleane, and [?spiled] ip
all her holes under water, and cawked her from her[?draught] of [?water]