HCA 13/70 f.560r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 560 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/11/03 |
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when the sayd repaires were soe done to the sayd shipp and kept his Accompts
touching the doeing thereof, and payed the workemen who did the same all or
the greatest part of their wages for soe doeing the same, and thereby well knoweth
that the materialls and workemanshipp for doeing the sayd repayres to the sayd
shipp were well worth one hundred and twenty pounds sterling, And hee
this deponent hath seene a writeing under hand and seale (which hee beleeveth
to bee the hand and seale of the arlate William hubberly) expressing
that hee the sayd hubberley had agreed with the sayd John Taylor
to pay him for the worke and materialls aforesayd one hundred and fifteene
pounds English money, and hath alsoe heard the sayd hubberley acknowledge
and confesse that hee had agreed with the sayd Tayler to pay him one hundred and
fifteene pounds for the same And further hee cannot to these articles
To the 4th article hee saith that within the tyme arlate and in the sayd yeare 1651
the sayd John Tayler did at the instance and request of the sayd hubberley besides the
repayres predeposed of take out of the girdling of the sayd shipp Elsabeth
one hundred forty foote of old three Inche plank[?s] and put therein
soe much new three inch planks instead thereof, and put in severall peeces,
and shift[?e] severall plankes where neede soe required, and caulke her above
the gerdleing fore and aft within board and without and graved her gerdling
white and sheathed her from the lower edge of the gerdleing to her waterlyne
and mended severall knees betwixt her decks
the doing whereof was really worth in this deponents
Judgement forty five pounds sterling the premisses hee deposeth for the reasons
aforesayd videlicet for that hee sawe the doeing thereof and kept the sayd Taylors
Accompts (as his servant) touching the same And further to this article hee
cannot depose./
To the 5th hee saith that hee being then servant to the sayd John Tayler and keepeing
his Accompts thereof well knoweth that besides the premisses predeposed of
the sayd John Tayler did cause this deponent and others the
sayd John Taylers servants to deliver unto the Carpenter of the sayd shipp the Elsabeth
for the use of the sayd shipp for store and otherwise, tymber, planke, and other materialls
worth thirty sixe pounds one shilling and tenn pence, which was all delivered
by the order of the sayd William hubberley but was delivered as hee beleeveth to his best remembrance in the yeare one thousand five hundred fifty two this hee the better knoweth for that hee
this deponent kept the Accompts of the particulars thereof and alsoe heard the sayd
hubberley give order for the delivery therof to his sayd Carpenter, and hath
alsoe heard the sayd hubberley acknowledge that hee had receaved the same for
the sayd shipps use And further hee cannot depose./