HCA 13/70 f.482v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.482v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


And he further deposeth that notwithstanding the 13 li
layd out by the said Jackson and Company in repayring
the shipp Desire of the damages which the Sisters did her
that yet she is soe bad, that she is not fitting to goe
to Sea, for he saith upon every shower of rane neither Master
nore Mate cannot lye in their Cabbins, and that
during the time she was a repayring of her damages she
received by the Sisters she might have made a voyage, which
had bin worth 20 li at least to the said Jackson and
Company, which voyage she lost, And further he
cannot depose./

To the last he saith his former deposition is true/

To the Interrogatoryes. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first Interrogatory he answereth that he commeth to bee a
wittnes at the request of John Jackson the producent that he
was a ffore=Mastman in the voyage interrate, and that he is
payd all his wages for the sayd voyage. And to the rest
he answereth negatively./

To the second Interrogatory he answereth that the shipp the desire
did cast anchor nigh to a place called Prior stone, which is
a good way within the barr of Tinmouth and an usuall
place for shipps to cast anchor there, when they can gett
noe further, and that they had ankored (sic) there for about 24
houres (as he beleiveth) before the dammage happened unto her
by the sisters And he answereth that he hath by vertue of the
oath that he hath taken layd downe nothing but the truth
in his foregoeing deposition, and now alsoe answereth the truth
and nothing but the truth without any respect to the sayd
shipp the Desire, And further he cannot answeare./

To the third Interrogatory he answereth that before such time as
the shipp the Sisters did the harme unto the Desire predeposed
of One Captaine ffuller sayld by asterne the Desire with his
shipp (the name hee knoweth not) of above 200 Tonn burthen
and that then it was nigh upon high water and he wind
was at South West or at West South West, and that it was
but a little while after that the Sisters did the damage unto the
Desire that the said Captaine fuller passt by with his said
shipp, And further referring himselfe to his former deposition
he cannot answeare./

To the fourth Interrogatory he answereth That he hath heard that
the shipp the Sisters interrate did by her violent running
upon the Desire bilge herselfe upon her owne Anchor
and that therupon she was faine to heave over board some
of her Lading in Sunderland bay, And he answreth that
had he this Rendent been one of the Company of
the Sisters interrate, and brought upon his oath to declare
by which of the shipps the occasion of the samage was given he
must and would have layd it upon the Sisters, otherwise
he had bin a [?preiudiced] fellow, And further to the sayd
Interrogatory he cannot answeare./

Thomas Jackson [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]