HCA 13/70 f.467v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.467v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the second article of the said allegation he deposeth
and saith That the arlate Melchior Aranguren hath
bin resident here in London fower yeares and as much as
since June last, and that during all that time there hath
bin an intimacy of acquaintance betweene the said
Melchior and this deponent, and that for and during
the said time there was and is communication and correspondence
in the way of trade and merchandizeing between the producent[?s]
and the said Melchior Aranguren his the said
Lopez de Apatris Agent or Correspondent here in
London, The premisses he deposeth having seen diverse
Letters concerning merchandizing wrote from the said
de Apatris to the said Aranguren, And further
he cannot depose./

To the third, fourth, fifth and sixth articles of the
said allegation he deposeth and saith That by the reason
and means of the familiarity between this deponent and
the sayd Melchior Aranguren, the said Melchior
did first (which is now somewhat more then twelve monthes
since) communicate unto this deponent a letter that he receaved
from the producent Bartholomew Lopez de Apatris which
said Letter did advise him the said Araranguren that he
the sayd de Apatris had sent unto his Agents or factors
at Roane the aarlate Bertram de Baud and Mathew
De La ffitt eight hundred weight of redd wooll, and
that alsoe afterwards the said Melchior Aranguren did
communicate another Letter unto this deponent written to
him from the said De Baud and De La ffitt, wherin
and wherby they advised him the said Melchior that
they had received and had in their custody the sayd eight
hundred weight of redd wooll, and by their said Letter
they desired the advise of the said Melchior concerning the
disposing of the same woolls for the use and Accompt
of the said DE Apatris, and by their said Letter did import
or communicate their iudgement concerning the said woolls
which was, That it would be convenient (as they conceived)
to sell the same woolls and with the proceed thereof to buy
Linnens and to shipp the same for Cadiz for his the said
Lopez de Apatris his Accompt And that of this deponents
certaine knowledge the said Melchior did approve and [?confirme]
their advice, and (as being Correspondent with the said de
Apatris) order them to sell the said woolls and to buy with
the proceed thereof Linnens and to shipp the said Linnens
for Cadiz for the account of him the said Lopez de
Apatris, and that the said Aranguren as order and
directions concerning the sale of the said woolls and buying
Linnens with the proceed thereof was putt into writing and
in a Letter sent unto the said De Baud and de La ffitt
about sixe months since (to his best remembrance) And