HCA 13/70 f.461v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.461v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


aboard the shipp arlate for the said voyage, which
sayd Accompt soe sent him he at this time of his
examination he having and comparing with the schedule
arlate, he findeth to agree in very particular, And he
alsoe saith and deposeth that the same Accompt sent
him by the said John Billiard, mention, and particular[?yse]
all and singular the goods and merchandizes mentioned
in the said schedule, And that they were all laden for
the accompt of the said Nicholas Philipps the producent,
upon whose Accompt it was that this deponent received the
advice concerining the said shipps voyadge, and her lading
and provisions, And further he cannot depose.

To the third article he deposeth and saith that he the
deponent hath knowne the arlate david Billiard for
abiut fourteene yeares last past, and that for all that
time he hath bin resident and an Inhabitant of Ipswich
and that the said David Billiard was putt in Master of
the arlate shipp for this voyage in which shee was seized
by the arlate Nicholas Philipps the producent, who did
alsoe putt him in Master for a former voyage to the
same Islands of this deponents knowledge, who did then
victuall the said shipp and therby well knoweth the
premisses predeposed by him, And further he deposeth
and saith that the said David Billiard did goe three
severall voyages to Nants in ffrance Master of a
shipp called the Peter of Ipswich for the account of him
the said Nicholas Phillips and that in every of the sayd
voyages in her returne homewards she was taken, twice
by shipps belonging to this Commonwealth, and once by
a private man of warre, and that of the deponents
certaine knowledge (who as Agent of the producent was
imployed therin) he was released and discharged from
every of the said seizures by order of this Court And
further he cannot depose saving that he this deponent
had alsoe an Inventary of the goods mentioned in the
schedule arlate laden for the account of the sayd
David Billiard, and alsoe for the accompt of one
George White an Englishman, which sayd Inventary soe
sent unto him he saith doth in every particular agree with
the schedule arlate.

To the fourth article he deposeth and saith that he the deponent
hath received advice from Plymouth by many Letters from
divers of very good quality of the extreame pillaging and
plundering of the Company of the said shipp and the
passengers in her by the Brazeele ffrigatt and the [?XXXX]
arlate, and that the said Letters speake the losse by pillaging