HCA 13/70 f.461r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.461r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window




Upon the 3d of September 1655 [CENTRE HEADING]

The claime of Nicholas Phillips}
for the shipp the King David of}
which david Billiard is Master and}
her tackle et cetera lately seized by the}
Brazeele ffrigott upon private letters}
of Marque. Suckley Smith}

Upon an articulate allegation
given in and admitted the 31th
of August 1655 on Suckleys

Smith dt.


Thomas ffowell of the parish
of Saint Mary Matsellon alias
Whitechappell in the County of Middlesex
Merchant, where and in and about
London he hath lived above 30ty yeares
a wittnes produced, sworne and examined
deposeth and saith as followeth.

To the first article of the sayd allegation he deposeth
and saith That he this deponent is very well acquainted
with the arlate Nicholas's Philipps, and soe hath bin
for many yeares last past, And that for fower
yeares last past he this deponent hath bin his the
said Philipps's Agent or ffactor, and upon his being
employed as an Agent or ffactor for the said
Philipps wwell knoweth that he the said Philipps did
about nineteene monethes since buy the arlate shipp
the King David formerly called the Prince William
of one Zephaniah Parker of Ipswich and Company
which sayd Parker the deponent saith he very well
knoweth, and that the said Parler hath told this
deponent that he had sold the arlate shipp to the
said Philipps, and that the sayd Philipps (as the sayd
Zephaniah Parker told him this deponent) had payd him
all the money for the sayd shipp, And he further
saith and deposeth that he the deponent being Agent for
the said Philipps the producent did within a little while
after the said Philipps had bought the said shipp
victuall her and buy other furniture and provisions
for the said shipps use for the sole and proper accont
of the said Nicholas Philipps the true and lawfull
Owner and Proprietor of her And further he cannot

To the second article he deposeth and saith That he
the deponent being Agent for the said Philipps the
producent did about the sixteenth day of June
last past receive advice from John Billiard the
producents Agent or ffactor at Deipe in ffrance that
the said shipp was foing upon her voyage to the Caribbee
Islands for the account of the said Nicholas Philipps
and that the sayd John Billiard did alsoe send unto
this deponent he being the said Philipps his Agent here
in London an account of the provisions and necessaryes