HCA 13/70 f.446v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.446v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


as a foresaid, this deponent caused three bills of Lading to be signed for the same
by the said Henry Glassam, the Master of the said shipp one whereof this
deponent kept, another hee sent over Land to Lisbone to the said factor there
and the third hee left to the said Master to bee transported in the said
shipp to ffrance, which last bill of Lading was, as hee beleeveth, aboard the
said shipp at the time of her seizure by the English, and came to the
hands and possession of the seizure And the like hee beleeveth was done as to
the said 4 Chests of sugar. And further cannot depose:/

To the fowerth article hee saith That the goods Laden by this deponent aboard the
said shipp for the accompt as aforesaid were the proceed of a quality
of hatts buckrams and other goods which this deponent had formerly received
from the said producents, and by their direction did make them returne
thereof in the goods above specified, and that the said producents did and
doe runn the sole hazard and adventure thereof as being the true
and Lawfull Owners thereof and for and as such generally reputed and
knowne, no person or persons Subiect or Subiects of the french king
or any other prince or State in hostility with this Commonwealth
having any interest or concernment therein. The premisses hee knoweth
for the reasons therein deduced, And further cannot depose:/

To the fifth hee saith, That the arlate Antonio Rodrigues de Morais
to return the goods aforementioned were consigned did and doeth
live at Roane in ffrance in the quality of a Merchant stranger
and Agent or ffactor for Merchants, but was and is a Native of
Lisbone in Portuagall, and a subiect of the Said king and for such
commonly accompted, this deponent well knowing the said Antonio
Rodriques both by sight and by correspondence in mierchandizing
And further cannot depose./

To the sixth hee saith, That after the Lading of the said goods aboard the
said shipp the said Glassam and Companie departed therewith from
Lisbone bound for Havre de Grace or Roane designed as aforesaid
and nither cource the said shipp and goods were surprized and taken
by some of the shipps of this Commonwealth and brought into
England, as it is notorious and publiquely and generally knowne
and reported. And further cannot depose:/

To the 7th hee saith, That for all the time of this deponent knowledge of
the said producents as aforesaid, they have bin and still are generally
reputed and knowne to be inhabitants of Hamburgh and subiects of
that free state, so farr as this deponent by his Correspondence with them
and by publique and generall estimate of Merchants in Lisborne
hath ever understood.

To the last hee saith his foregoing deposition is true: