HCA 13/70 f.414v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 414 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2014/11/16 |
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upon the said first Assurance were duely and truely satisfied and
paid as this rendent knoweth by his Consortshipp aforesaid, and
as to the second hee beleeveth they are paid, but hath no knowledge
thereof. And further cannot depose:-/
To the last hee saith, That the said shipp Saint Michael in her last
Voiage wgerein shee was taken came from the Terreras bound
for Lisbon in Portugall, as is generally reported amongst Merchants
and that shee was taken by a Zeeland shipp and brought up
into Zeeland with her Master and Companie, where for
ought hee knoweth they still remaine:./
Repeated in Court:-/
Augustin Coronel [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The same day Examined upon the said Interrogatories:-/ [CENTRE HEADING]
Henry Folliot of London Merchant aged
19. yeares or thereabouts a Wittnes sworne in
Court as aforesaid, and examined saith as
followeth videlicet:/
To the first hee saith, That hee this rendent hath knowne the shipp
the Saint Michael interrate by sight onely since the second day of
May last past according to the new style, at which time hee saw her
at the Terrera Islands Manoel ferdinando Camerino then being
Master or Commander of her, And saith That then and there and
for about two yeares before this rendent by good intelligence amongst
Merchants hath knowne that the said shipp did wholely and solely
belong to Seignor domingo Vaz de Britto a Merchant then and
now living and inhabiting here in London. And further saving his
subsequent deposition hee cannot depose:-/
To the second hee saith, That as predeposed hee hath by Correspondence
and Conversation amongst Merchants in Portugall and here alwaies
heard and understood that the said domingo Vaz de Britto was and
is the true and lawfull and sole Owner and Proprietor of the said shipp the
Saint Michael and for such commonly reputed and taken, and that
hee hath in that quality by himselfe or his agents alwaies fitted and
furnished her out to Sea at his owne proper charges, and upon his
owne adventure, and saith That the said shipp being returned upon
a Voiage from Brazile in the yeare 1654. about the moneth of
November in that yeare, one Michael Rodrigues Barretto a
Correspondent of the said domingo residing at Saint Michaels one
of the Terrera Islands, did expressely saile from thence to the
Island Terrera to cleare and equipp the said shipp to Sea upon the
said domingo's accompt, and to take all accompts concerning the
same, this rendent then residing at Saint Michaels aforesaid in the
same house with the said Rodrigues Barretto, and thereby being
well acquainted with his said designe, and saith hee hath seene
and perused letters at Saint Michaels aforesaid wherein was expressed
To the second