HCA 13/70 f.414r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.414r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


this Cause being thereunto required by the said producent. And
otherwise negatively:-

To the second, hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition, And
further otherwise then negatively cannot depose:-/

To the third hee referreth himself to his foregoeing deposition./

To the 4th and 5th hee saith, they doe not concerne him, And therefore
hee answereth not thereunto:-/

Repeated before doctor Clarke/



The 13th day of June 1655/ [CENTRE HEADING]

domingo Vaz de Britto for his shipp}
the Saint Michael:}


Augustine Coronel of London Merchant
aged Thirtie yeares or thereabouts a Wittnesse
sworne before the Judges of the high Court of
Admiraltie of England saith as followeth videlicet.

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith, That hee this sexaminate for two yeares
or thereabouts hath traded in Consortshipp with Seignor domingo
Vaz de Britto, and by meanes of such their Consortshipp and Corres=
pondency this rendent hath seene and observed out of his the said
domingos booke of accompts, That the interrate shipp the Saint Michael
hath for all that time wholely and solely belonged to the said domingo
as the sole Owner and Proprietor thereof And further cannot depose:

To the second Interrogatorie hee saith, That his rendent by the meanes
aforesaid hath well seene and observed, That the said domingo vaz
Britto did cause the said shipp to bee originally built for his owne
accompt, and that hee hath by himselfe or his factors ever since her building
fitted and furnished her out to Sea upon all the Voiages shee hath
since performed, saveing the last voiage interrate, upon which shee was as
this rendent hathc redibly heard amongst Merchants and verily beleeveth
fitted to Sea from the Terrera's upon the said domingos accompt
and at his Costs and Charges./:

To the third hee saith, That it is well knowne to this rendent, and
publique amongst Merchants of this Citie, That the interrate domingo
Vaz de Britto was and is a Subject of ths Commonwealth, and an
inhabitant of this Citie of London where hee keepeth house and

To the fourth Interrogatorie hee answereth, and saith, That hee this rendent
well knoweth and hath seene in the Assurance office London, That
the said shipp being sett out to Sea by the said domingo in the yeare
1653:- the said domingo caused the same to be assured by sewerall Merchants
of London, And that since in another Voiage wherein the said shipp
upon the said domingo's adventure was bound from the Terrera's to the
Madera's, the said domingo or his order did also here at London cause
the same to bee assured by sewerall Merchants of this Citie, both
which this rendent hath seen the policies of Ensurance in the said
Office entred, and saith hee well knoweth That the sewerall [?Pronouncements]