HCA 13/70 f.392r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 392 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/11/23 |
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to them the sayd Taylor and Company) that then he would buy
all their oyles and other commodities, and that he did by
reward, promises and foule practises make some of the cheife
of the Country to bee on his side, and by his meanes and
procurement the Country people were forbidden to deliver
the Currance not delivered to the sayd Taylor and Company
And he further saith that on the 2d day of October last a
boate laden with about 12000 weight of the Lepanto Currance
bargained for as aforesaid going to be putt aboard the Morea
Merchant for the accompt of the producents, the arlate ffowke
with the helpe of some of the Country people seized by
maine force upon the said boate of currance, and tooke away
the same from them that were in the possession of the said
boate and Currance for the accompt of the arlate Taylor and
Company and disposed of them to his owne Ware-houses, And
that he this deponent did afterwards speake to him the
said ffoulke about his taking away of the said Lepanto Currance
and the said ffoulke answere that he was sorry that he had
not had the rest of the Currance, And he deposeth
that he the deponent had payd all dutyes and Customes for
the sayd 12000 lb weight of Lepanto Currance soe iniustly
taken by the said ffoulke, and that he this deponents
brother did pay two halfe peeces of fine scarlett clothes, in
earnest of the said 12000 lb weight of currance, And further
he cannot depose.
To the seaventh article he deposeth and saith that by the workings
of the arlate William ffowlke the remainder of the Petras Currance
(being about 18000 lb weight), which were sold by the bargaine
predeposed of and in part payd for by the agents of the
producents were with the helpe of some of the great [?Ones]
of the Country seized on by the said ffowlke, and [?part the rest] carryed into
his Warehouses, The premisses he knoweth for that many of
the poorer sort did come to this deponent and tell him that
they were very willing to deliver their Currance according
to the bargaine for the accompt of the said Taylor and Company
but that they durst not being commanded to the contrary by the
great [?Ones], in reagard the said ffowlke had promised to buy up
their oyles, And he further saith that there were not any
other Currance in the Countrys arlate nor thereabouts other
then the said 12000 lb weight of the Lepanto Currance, and the 18000 lb
weight of Petras Currance predeposed of that this deponent knoweth of And further he
saith he cannot depose, for that he left the said Country before
the said Currance were laden aboard any shipp./
To the Interrogatoryes [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first Interrogatory he answereth that the Morea Merchant
interrate did lye about a quarter of a mile from the
shore at Petras, under the Command of the Castle, and that the
Master of her was Anthony ffen, who as he the Rendent beleiveth
was aboard her when the boate of Currance was taken, because
upon enquiry he was told soe by one of the said shipps
To the second Interrogatory he answereth that the shipp interrate the
More Merchant was of the burthen of about 200 Tonnes, that
she carryed about 20ty gunns, that 33 men and boyes belonged
unto her, but he answereth that he knoweth not how many of
them were on board at the time interrae And otherwise he
cannot answere.