HCA 13/70 f.391v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 391 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/11/23 |
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weighed and delivered according to the sayd bargaine, and
that in further pursuance of the saud nargaine the said
Nathalagoe and Vesticha Currance were all delivered to
the Assignes of the arlate John Taylor and Company the
producents for their use and that alsoe a great part of the
Lepanto and Petras Currance were alsoe delivered and putt
on board the arlate shipp the Morea Merchant, And he
saith that of this [?Spondents] knowledge the Agents of the producents
were certifyed and it did appeare by the Customes booke at
Petras that there were there remayning eighteene thousand
pound weight [?Marrp OR Marco], of Currance,
All which the said producents were to
take although the said shipp could not receive them, at the
rate by him predeposed of, of what condition soever they were
And he saith that he the deposent did deliver some [?XXXX]
and some cloth in earnest for the said remayning Currance
at Petras. The premisses he deposeth for that he being first acquainted
with the bargaine, he was afterwards ingaged or interressed in seeing
the same exequuted (sic) and performed And further he cannot
To the fifth article he deposeth and saith that after the delivery
of the greatest part of the Currance according to the bargaine
predeposed of the arlate Mr William ffowke did between the
18th and the 25th of the month of September 1654 arlate come to Petras
and that presently after his the sayd ffowkes arrivall there
he this deponent did in the presernce of his Contest John kennett and one Anthony ff[?XXX]
acquaint him with the bargaine that was
made betweene the producents and the Bashaw and Vice=
=Bashaw concerning the said Currance, and how farr it
was proceeded upon the said bargaine on the behalfe of the
sayd John Tayler and Company, and desired him not to
intermeddle concerning the Currance there least any
damage showld followe, and alsoe therewith told him that
the rest of the Merchandizes there as Oyle and other commodities
were free, And that the arlate ffowke did promise this
deponent that he would not meddle with the sayd Currance
and that yet notwithstanding the sayd ffowke did foe
privately without any Druggerman from this deponent being
the ViceConsull (and his this deponents brother the Consull not
then dead) to the foresayd Bashaw, and by bribes and
presents did endeavour to supplant the said producents in
their said bargaine for the sayd currance, and to hinder
them from receiving the remainder unreceived of the sayd
Currance, The premisses he knoweth because he was told by the [?Turkes]
at Petras that he the sayd ffowke had given some
presents unto the great men of the said Country to have the said
Currance that were not delivered, And
for that he the deponent was at the publick place of [?XXX]
(soe called) threatened by the [?Cadiz] and other great [?Owners], that
he the deponent had better lett the said ffoulke have the
currance, then to stand out, although it was this deponents [?right]
And further he cannot depose
To the sixth article he deposeth and saith that the arlate [?ffowke]
did privately goe to severall of the cheife of the Country [?at]
Petras, and did bargaine with them for oyles and told
them that if they wpuld lett him have the rest of the currance
not delivered unto the Agents of the arlate Tayler and Company
(though he well knew of the bargaine made of the sale of them