HCA 13/70 f.385v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 385 |
Side | Verso |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2014/10/22 |
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To the fourth article and the said schedule he deposeth and saith That the said
goods, materialls and provisions schedlate are really and in his
this deponents conscience worth the severall values in the
said schedule mentioned, And he saith that he hath heard
the producent and that the money owing unto him for his goods and
worke done for the arlate shipp the Releife was above fifty
pounds And further he cannot depose.
To the fifth article he saith that because the producent could not
receive his said money due to him from the said shippp he went of
this deponents knowledge) after the said shipp to Gravesend And
that after he the said producent returned home he this deponent
heard him say that the arlate John Edge had underwritten his
bill for the receipt of the said materialls and provisions delivered
for the said shipps use, And further he cannot depose./
To the sixth and seaventh articles he deposeth and saith that of
his this deponents knowledge the producent hath lost five
pounds in one bargaine of iron, by reason of the want of the
money arlate since it was due unto him; And he saith that he
verily beleeveth that the producent is one way or another worse
by x li by the reason he had not the said money when it was due
And further he cannot depose.
To the eight article he saith that he hath heard that the proucent
having noe other hope or course for the getting of his money due to
him hath arrested the shipp arlate And further he cannot depose.
To the ninth he saith that the arlate Edge is a member of this
Commonwealth and subiect to the Jurisdiction of this Court.
To the tenth he referreth himselfe to the Law.
To the last he saith his foregoeing deposition is true./
Repeated before doctor Godolphin.
The marke of [MARKE] John Cheshire [MARKE, RH SIDE]
On the 21th of June 1655. [CENTRE HEADING]
harbyn against Wills}
Suckly. Smith}
Henry Harbyn of the parish of Saint Lawrence
Pountney London servant unto the sayd
John harbyn the producent with whom he hath
lived about two yeares past, a wittnes, produced
and sworne and being examined he deposeth and
saith as followeth./
To the first article of the allegation given in and admiited on the
part and behalfe of the sayd John harbyn he deposeth and saith
That the sayd John harbyn the producent did by his Letter
bearing date on or about the 26th of October last past give
order from this Citty of London to the arlate William [?Carey GUTTER]
resident at Bourdeaux to provide and lade
for the said producents accompt asmuch ffrench Tobacco[?es GUTTER]
as showld come to 1500 Livers and to send the same to
Morleaux to the arlate James Chu[?rckey] and Nicholas
Sanders his the said John harbins factors or Correspondents
there for his the said harbins accompt and adventure,
The premisses he knoweth for that he being the producents