HCA 13/70 f.381r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.381r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


there arrived about the two and twentith day of October 1654
last past, and that in the months of November and
December she tooke in the number of (about) two hundred
and twenty barrells of herrings for the proper use and
accompt of the interrate Michael horton, And he further
answereth and saith that in the month of January last
past the sayd shipp sett sayle from thence videlicet Wexford
in Oreland and were bound for this Port of London having
on voard her the said barrells of herrings laden for the
account (as he hath predeposed) of the said horton, And that
in therir voyage they had very foule and tempestuous weather
by the violence and extremity whereof the interrate shipp
the Storke was forced into or neere unto Brit hempson in Sussex, where
the said shipp and her lading of the herrings
aforementioned were all either lost or what was
not lost much damnifyed, The premisses he deposeth
being Commander of the sayd shipp when the herrings interrate
were laden on board the sayd shipp, and alsoe when the said
shipp and goods suffered wreck, which was by reason of
the stormy, foule and tempestuous weather that then was
and not otherwise, And further he saith he cannot depose
knowing not the quality of the said herrings./

Repeated before Doctor Clarke./

henry Gaell [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The last day of May 1655: [CENTRE HEADING]

Slany and Chappell against}
Stancliffe. Budd Smith}


Arthur [?fflet] of Somers key in the
parish of Saint Botolph Billingsgate haberdasher
where he hath lived fourteene yeares or thereabouts
aged about 28 yeares a wittnes sworne
and examined deposeth as followeth./

To the first and second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seaventh and
eighth articles of the said Libell and to the schedules in the said
articles or some of them mentioned he cannot depose.

To the ninth article he deposeth and saith that he the deponent
knoweth a Lighter, which (as he beleiveth) was made of a
french bottome, and that the said Lighter did (about the
latter end of December last or the beginning of January
last past (the time he doth not more certainly remember) come
to Somers=key by Billinsgate from aboard a Barbado's
shipp laden with sugars, and that after the said Lighter
had layen at the said key two floods and an Ebb she
sprange a leake, wherby some of the goods aboard her
received damage, And further he cannot depose./

To the 11th 12th, 13th and 14th articles he cannot depose./

To the last he saith his former deposition is true.

To the Interrogatoryes. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first Interrogatory he answereth that he commeth to testify
at the request of the producents, and that he is not any wayes
concerned or interessed in the cause, And otherwise he
knoweth not to answeare.
