HCA 13/70 f.379r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.379r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


On the same day. [CENTRE HEADING]


Henry Dodson of the parish of Stepney in the
County of Middlesex Mariner where he hath lived 21
yeares, aged about fifty yeares, a wittnes produced
sworne and examined he deposeth as followeth.

To the first article of the Libell given in and admitted in
this cause and to the schedule therein mentioned he deposeth and saith That he this deponent went
out Masters Mate in the shipp the George of London
from this Port of London to Malaga and soe home againe
and that the ninety nine barrells of Raysins Solis mentioned
in the first schedule or bill of lading now at this
examination of him perused, did belong unto and were the
goods of the arlate Richard Slany and that Christopher
Chappell (who went out in the said shipp om the sayd
voyage and returned home in her) was the true and
lawfull Owner of the thirty two barrells of Raysins
Solis mentioned in the second schedule or bill of Lading
annexed to the said Libell, And further he cannot depose.

To the second and third articles and to the schedules therein
mentioned he deposeth and saith that the shipp the George
of London arlate did asrrive and was at or neere Malaga in
the moneths of November and december last past arlate, and
that then the arlate Richard Steevens was Master of the
sayd shipp, and that the two bills of Lading articulate and
now bye him perused are signed by the said Stevens of
his this deponents certaine knowledge being very well
acquainted with the said Steevens his handwryting, and
further referring himselfe to said two bills of Lading
Libellate he cannot depose

To the fourth article he saith that the arlate shipp did safely
arrive with her Lading here in this Riverof Thames in the
month of ffebruary last past arlate, and that she lay there
safely anchored and moared neere Lymehouse And further
he cannot depose.

To the fifth and sixth article sof the sayd L:ibell he deposeth
and saith that about the mmidst of ffebruary last apast the
said shipp the George lying safely at anchor neere Lymehouse
there came to the said shipps side a Lighter (her name or by
what name she was knowne he knoweth not) to receive some
of the goods aboard the said shipp to carry them on shoare, And
he saith that there were laden and received into the said
Lighter out of the said shipp many of the said
barrells of Raysins Solis laden aboard her for the use
and accompt of the aforementioned Richard Slany and Christopher
Chappell (but the certaine Number of barrells that the said
Lighter received in he knoweth not) to be carryed and layd ashoare
at ffreshwharfe And further he cannot depose.

To the seaventh and eight articles he deposeth and saith that of his
this deponents certaine knowledge all the said barrells of Raysins
Solis aswll those which were Richard Slanys as those of the
arlate Chappell were dry, well=conditioned and undamaged, aswell
when they were delivered into the arlate shipp at Malaga.