HCA 13/70 f.372v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.372v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


and Subjects of the States of the United Netherlands, Which
hee knoweth for that hee this rendent was and is an Inhabitant
of hoorne aforesaid, and hath sailed in and belonged to the said shipp
all the Voiage wherein shee was lately seized, and well knoweth the
said Owners but the rest of her Owners or whether shee have any more
hee saith hee knoweth not:/

To the second hee saith, That the said shipp departed from the
Texell in holland in or about the moneth of Aprill 1654
last past being bound for Brasilia, this deponent being one of
her Companie all the said Voiage as aforesaid and at the time
of her late being at the Barbadoes, where shee was seized and
taken by some of the English fleet there being in the moneth
of ffebruary last past, shee then having noe considerable goods
aboard her saving some small quantitie of Tobaccoe, And saith
that the Master of the said shipp and her Companie werre by the
English seizors sett ashoare att Barbadoes, where this rendent left
the said Master and morst of the said Companie, and that the said
shipp being of the burthen of about one hundred and twentie
lasts did there remaine and was as hee beleeveth disposed of
by Admirall Penn and Officers of the English fleete then there,
to and for the service of this Commonwealth./

To the third hee saith and deposeth, That hee this rendent
during the said shipps being at the Barbadoes was informed by
her said Master, and that it was publique in and amongst the said
shipps Companie, that the said master had obtained free leave
and permission from the Governor of the Barbadoes there to
trade and traffique without lett or molestation. And further
cannot depose:-/

Repeated before doctor Clerke./

Joris Pieterson [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 15th day of JUne .1655:- [CENTRE HEADING]

Bennett and Companie against hopkins}
and Companie. Smith. Budd}

Examined upon a Libell given on the behalfe
of the said Bennett and Companie

dt. Smith:-/


Captaine Thomas Tate of Stebonheath alias
Stepney in the County of Middlesex mariner aged 32.
yeares or thereabouts a Wittnesse sworne and
examined saith as followeth videlicet./

To the first position of the said Libell hee saith, That in the yeares
1652: and 1653. arlate and moneths therein respectively concurring the
arlate William Bennet did obtaine a Commission from this Court
to the effect arlate, and made and constituted this deponent Captaine thereof
And further referreth himselfe to the Registry of this Court./