HCA 13/70 f.369r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.369r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


That upon another voyage of the said shipp for Spaine, this deponent saw and
observed that a very considerable quantity of spiceries was transported out of the
shipp whereof one Garritt Gysen was Master lyeing at Terveere aboard the said
shipp the Goulden falcon to be also transported for mallega in Spaine for the
said producents accompt, And saith hee hath credibly heard that in the yeare
1652. about the moneth of Aprill, the said shipp went upon a Voiage from Zeeland
to Bayonne in ffrance, where shee tooke in a ladeing of corne for the accompt
of Spaniards to be transported to Mallega, wherem upon her said last Voiage
shee received in her last home-wards lading consisting of twenty pipes of
Mallega or Paroximines wine and 158, quarteeles of sirropp or
Molasso'es for the accompt and in returne of the proceed of the said goods
outwards sent by the said producent, and of his freight due for the said lading
of corne transported from Baionne to Mallega. The reason of this
his knowledge hee averreth to bee as before expressed, And for that hee this
deponent being arrived out of Scotland into Zeeland in the yeare 1652, and
being there very well and familiarly acquainted with Leonard Thysen the
producents brother, hee the said Leonard did produce and show
unto this deponent a letter of advise received out of Spaine togeather
with a bill of lading wherein were the markes hereafter expressed videlicet
I. V.0 wherein and whereby this deponent observed that the said wines
and Molasses were by the said producents factors Joachim Alerts and david
Brandes laden aboard the said shipp at Mallega for the accompt of the said
daniel Thyssen and in returne of his said goods and freight due for
goods transmitted in the said shipp to Mallega, And saith the said Leonard
Thysen upon the producing and showing of the said letter of advise and bill of
lading to this deponent did say to and acquaint this deponent that such goods
were soe laden for the said producent his brothers accompt, and that
if they came to arrive in safety, his brother (meaning the said daniel
Thyson) would have and enjoy the profitts and benefitt of a very good
voiage, or words to that effect. And upon the foregoing reasons this
deponent saith hee is in Conscience fully convinced and assured that
both the said shipp and goods now claimed doe truely solely and entirely
belong and appertaine unto the said daniel Thysen, and that hee alone
was and is the true and lawfull Proprietor of the same And further
hee saith hee cannot depose:-/

To the third hee saith, That the arlate daniel Thyssen in the
yeare 1652. and in the moneth of October of the said yeare was
admitted and received as free Burgher of and in the Towne of
Ostend in fflanders whereby hee then became a subject of his Catholique
Majestie the king of Spaine, and hath his wife and family there
living, and for such a Burgher and Subject hee the said daniel
Thyssen was and is there generally esteemed and knowne, The
premisses hee deposeth for that hee this deponent then was a
Burgher and inhabitant of and in the said Port or place of Ostend