HCA 13/70 f.365r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 365 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/01/10 |
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in or upon that Commonwealth, and hath from the time aforesaid been received
admitted and constantly acknowledged a subject of the king of Spaine, and
so was received admitted and acknowledged severall moneths before the
seizure of the shipp and goods in question, Which the premisses hee saith
hee well knoweth by and for the reasons aforesaid And further
cannot depose:-/
To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true:-/
To the Crosse Interrogatories:- [CENTRE HEADING]
To the jst negatively to every part thereof./
To the 2d hee saith hee hath, as aforesaid, knowne the said shipp the Goulden
falcon for about 4. yeares last past, being the time of her building as by him
is predeposed, and that the same was built as aforesaid by direction given
by the said producent to Anthiny Cornelison her late Master, and saith the
said producent did not buy, but caused the said shipp expressely to be built at
Serdam aforesaid for his owne accompt and employment where shee was
fitted and furnished out to sea by the said producent, And somuch this
deponent understood and was and is well assured of both by the said producents
booke of accompts which hee hath seene perused and well observed,
and also by the common and generally received fame report and estimation
of Merchants and Mariners in Zeeland and elswhere./
To the third hee saith hee was not an eyewittnesse of the payment for the
said shipp, but hath well observed and remembreth, that in the said producents
booke or bookes of accompt, the said shipp for her originall building tackle apparrell
and furniture did cost the said producent two thousand two hundred and
some odd pounds flemmish, amounting in English money to thirteen
hundred pounds sterling or thereabouts. And saith hee was not present
when the said shipp was delivered.
To the 4th hee saith, That hee doeth not know, neither doeth hee in Conscience
beleeve that the interrate daniel Thyson did ever transport or sell all orany
part of the said shipp to any person or persons whatsoever, and beleeveth that no
person did contribute to the setting of her out upon the Voiage in question save
onely the said daniel Thyson./
To the 5th hee saith, That Anthony Cornelison hath been alwaies Master
of the said shipp from the time of her first setting out to sea till the time
of her seizure by the English, and that hee was made and constituted
Master thereof by the said producent, And otherwise knoweth not/:-
To the 6th hee saith, That the said shipp did of this deponents knowledge nnever
belong to Amsterdam, but did after her first building as aforesaid belong to
the producent then resident at Tervier in Zealand, but since exiled and
Abdicated from and out of the dominion of the States Generall of the United
Netherlands, and since such his abdication hath continued his said interest
in and possession of the said shipp, in the notion of and as really being a
subject of his Catholique Majestie of Spaine, And saith, That saveing
his foregoeing deposition hee cannot further depose/.
To the 7th hee saith, That the said daniel Thyson the producent in this
Caus, did by his said factors cause the goods now claymed to be laden in and aboard
(the said