HCA 13/70 f.363v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 363 |
Side | Verso |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/01/10 |
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deponents Judgement and estimation the said producent Captaine
Phillipps did clearely loose 2000 li sterling by meanes of the severall
restraints aforementiond, and that the said wynes if they had not
been so restrained, but sold and disposed of with the first, would realluy
have yeelded 2000 li more then they did. And further hee cannot
To the 13th hee saith, the said Captaine Phillips the producent did
really expend the summe of Nyne hundred and fortie
pounds or thereabouts for the Customes of the said wynes, the
most part whereof this deponent payd by order of the said Captaine
Phillios, and that the said producent also payd sixtie pounds
or thereabouts upon Ensurance, and for unlading whafage
sellerage Coopers Porters and brokers and other
incident charges about 200 li some part whereof this deponent also
paid by the said producents direction and upon his accompt,
and as to the Charges of the Mariners and their Victualls in
bringing the said Vessell about, the entertainement of the dutch
Mariners and examination by Commission, and Condemnation of
the said shipp and goods by Sentence of Admiralty, hee saith hee
knoweth not the particulars thereof, but beleeveth the producent
was at very great and considerable charges and expense
therein, And further cannot depose:-/
To the 14th hee saith hee knoweth nothing thereof./
To the 15th hee knoweth nothing thereof./
To the 16th hee saith hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing
deposition. And further cannot depose:-/
To the Crosse Interrogatories: [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first Interrogatorie, hee saith hee cometh to be a Wittnesse in
this Cause at the Instance of Captaine Isaac Phillipps, and saith
hee hath knowne the interrate Isaac Phillip for about 2
yeares last last, and the interrate Emanuel de Croix for
about 4 or 5 yeares last past, And itherwise negatively
To the second hee answerth and saith, this rendent knew the
interrate Emanuel de Croix for about 6. moneths resident
here in London, and that hee went hence for fflanders about
7. or 8. moneths since, and saith that for all the rest of the
time of this rendents knowledge of him hee lived in fflanders
where this rendent had familiar acquaintane with him as
a Merchant, and thereby and by the common and generall
report of Merchants knoweth that the interrate de
Croix was never a Commander of a ship at sea.