HCA 13/70 f.330r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 330 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/12/09 |
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The 18th of May 1655. [CENTRE HEADING]
On the behalfe of the Commonwealth}
touching wines seized in the Peter of Ostend}
and touching Mr [?Spry]}
Rowe dt.
Valentine Dobbins of London
Marchant aged 36 yeares or
thereabouts sworne as in the acts
of Court, saith and deposeth by
vertue of his oath.
That a certaine vessell named the Peter of Ostend being about seaventeene
monethes since taken as prize by the ffrigot named the ffortune, set out as a
private man of warr by this deponent and companie, and with her lading
of ffrench wines brought into ffoy, the said shipp was by authoritie
of this Court released as belonging to Ostend, but the wines condemned
as belonging to ffrench. And that after the said condemnation the said
wines were by authoritie alsoe of this Court duely appraised, which
being donne, this deponent about Easter last was twelve moneth
before the unlading of the said shipp went to the Sub-Commissioners for prize goods at
Plimouth, and there made them an offer to deliver to them the tenth
of the said wines (due to the Commonwealth) in kinde, or els to
pay them in money for the said tenths after the rate of the said
appraisement, To which the said Sub-Commissioners made answer
to this deponent, that they could neither receive the said tenths in
Specie, nor suffer this deponent to have them after the rate of the
appraisement, for that (as they said) they had alreadie sold them
to Jerome Spry, and that hee had satisfied them
for them upon his accompts, or words to the same effect, and
withall told this deponent that if hee desired to pay for and to
have the said tenths of the said wines, hee must goe and agree
with Jerome Spry for the same, whereupon this deponent
went to the said Jereome Spry, and proffered him the money for
them according to the appraisement, or els offered the said Jereome
to take them in kinde at the said Jeromes choice, provided hee
would pay the tenth part of the freight due to the master (the
freight of the said wines being adiudged to the master) both which
the said Spry refused to doe, insisting to have the said tenths
without allowance of freight, which this deponent refused to deliver
him. And saith that upon such this deponents refusall to
deliver the said tenths without proportionable allowance for
freight, the said Spry caused locks to be put upon the dores of
the Sellars where the said wines were ladid, and kept this deponent
and his agents from comming at them wither to dispose or order them,
soe longe tim, as that a greate part of the said wines were leakt
and runn out of the caskes and spoiled, whereby this deponent hath
suffered great dammage.