HCA 13/70 f.329v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.329v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the fourth hee saith hee was seized on the open sea by Captaine
George Bradshawe in an English frigot, Captaine John Weare in
another English frigot being in the said Bradshawes companie, and
although the said Bradshawe was the first that made this deponent
strike saile, yet the said Weare was the first that put men aboard
him. And otherwise hee cannot depose.

Repeated before doctor Clerke.

[?Meremes] Isacksen [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The seaventeenth
day of May Anno
domini 1655. [CENTRE HEADING]

On the behalfe of Samuel Wilson of London Merchant}
owner of the shipp the hope of London and of Richard}
Rives alsoe merchant of London touching the goods aboard her}
lately seized by a Brestman of warr, and afterwards}
rescued by a dunkirker}

Rp. .1.

Henry Shepard of Pilton in the County of
devon Sailer, aged twenty three yeares or
thereabouts, and henry [?Bennon] of London
Sailer, aged eighteene yeares or thereabouts
servant of John Stevens Master of the said
shipp the hope. sworne before the right worshippfull
William Clerke doctor of lawes one of the Judges
of the high Court of the Admiraltie of
England, say and depose by vertue of their
oathes s followeth videlicet.

That the said shipp the hope of London whereof the said John Steevens
was Master was in or about the beginning of ffebruary last (newe
stile) at Estipona (a Port in Spaine neare Mallega) laden by John
Rives an English Merchant resident in Mallega, partner of Thomas
Collins also English Merchant and there also resident with fraile
fruit of the growth of Estipona, thence to be transported to this port of London
and here to be delivered to Richard Rives English Merchant
resident in this Citie, And that in the Course of her proceeding from
Estipona for this Port coming off Portland on the English Coast shee
was mett with and with her said lading seized by a Brest man of warr
named the Cornelius commannded by one Captaine Codd an Irish
man by Vertue of a Commission (as hee affirmed) from Charles
Stuart, and that as the said man of warr after the said seizure was
carrying the said shipp the hope for Brest, namely on or about the
25th of Aprill last (old style) as shee lay a litle to the Westward
of haver de Grace, to expect the coming faire of the wind for
Brest, a Shallop of dunquirke sailing as a private man of warr
came and rescued the said shipp hope and her lading and carried
them to dunquirke where they are now remaining. All which they

Turne over the next following leafe/ [THREE LEAVED DEVICE]




See Wikipedia: Estepona entry

- Located in the modern province of Malaga, close to Gilbraltar