HCA 13/70 f.306v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 306 |
Side | Verso |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2015/01/13 |
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nor write, this examinate entred the said goods and marks and for whose accounts
the same were, into the said boateswaines booke at the time of the lading
thereof, but for the exact quantity of the said goods, or their quality, further
then by him is predeposed, or their worth and value this examinate saith hee
knoweth not the value thereof being alterable according to the convenienece
of place and markett where they might happen to arrive. And further hee
cannot depose:-/
To the third Interrogatorie hee saith, hee well knoweth That the said shipp about
the latter end of June1654. last past sett sayle and departed from Mevis
with the goods and Merchandizes predeposed bound for this Port of London
for the accompt before mentioned And saith That the said shipp and her
lading in such their Course was upon or about the 2. day of September last mett with about the Lands end of England
by an Irish man of war, who surprized and tooke the said shipp and
lading, and carried the same into Port Lewis in ffrance, notwithstanding
the Master and Companie of the said shipp used all possible resistanc, care
and industry to prevent the said seizure, and to preserve the said shipp and
lading, And saith the said shipp and all her lading, and particularly the said
28. chests butts or hogsheads or thereabouts of sugar to the said Valentine Austin belonging
were at Port Lewis aforesaid condemned and made Prize, by meanes
whereof the said Valentine Austin was utterly deprived of his said goods
and they lost to him. The premisses hee knoweth by sadd experience, for that hee
was as aforesaid Steward of and aboard the said shipp during her said
voyage and at her seizure, and was brought up in her to Port Lewis where
hee observed the said shipps condemnation and saw and was assistant in the
unlading of the said goods for the said Irish seizors And further hee
cannot depose:-/
Tho: Phillipps [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The same day Examined upon the said Interrogatories:- [CENTRE HEADING]
Hamlet Fisher of the Plantation commonly called
Paradise in the Island of Nevis or Mevis in the
West Indies Planter aged 22. yeares or thereabouts
a Wittnesse sworne as before said, and examined
saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet:-/
To the first Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth, That hee well knoweth
the shipp the fortune of Carickvergus interrate, whereof the
interrate Arthur Crowther was Master, and saith the said shipp
was last at Mevis aforesaid in the moneths of June and July
last past being thence directly bound for this Port of London, which
hee knoweth for that this examinate came passenger in her in and
upon the said designe and voiage:/
To the second hee saith, That hee this examinate being at Mevis aforesaid
the time predeposed was present and aboard the said shipp the fortune of
Carickvergus when the interrate Valentine Austin and one Captaine